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Sleeping With My Stepbrother novel Chapter 25


She's fast already fast asleep. I lingered for a little more.

This was going to be the last time I see her this way.

Curled up in bed, mouth slightly agape, hair all over the place, moonlight emphasising her really creamy skin.

God, I should major in literature or something because that was some straight up poetry material.

I really really thought I wouldn't get another chance to see her like this. I thought her sleeping on my bed that one time was the last time.

By then, I had just admitted to myself that I didn't care about her like a Step-sibling or a friend anymore.

By then, I had just realized that her sleeping with me that night was already off boundaries. I mean she was dating my best friend for god's sake. Nothing about us is platonic.

But then again, it's probably my fault as well.

I let her date my best friend.

I mean, the fact that I didn't want her to sleep with him should've already been a huge sign that I already liked Kylie more than a hook up.

On the other hand, there really wasn't anything I could do. Our parents were married after all.

While it's true that we weren't blood relatives nor were us having any relations considered incestuous, I think the concept that our parents were married still made it not workable.

I noticed the clock on her bed read 3:43am which meant I only had a couple of hours left to finish packing before I leave. For good.

But honestly, I'd prefer to not finish packing just to be with Kylie one last time.

So you could imagine how hard it was for me to get up when I had to.

Kylie moaned before hugging my arm a little tighter.

Leaving wasn't going to be easy.

I kissed her forehead before slowly pulling my arm off hers and got up.

I started to get ready, finish packing my stuff, when I realized I still had to do something.

After a couple of minutes, it was done. I was all set.

"Hey son. You ready?" Dad whispered as he pryed my door open

"Uhh yeah" I answered before dad left to go downstairs

I got off my study table, pulled my bag, took one last look at my room before closing it.

Before completely going downstairs, I sneaked back inside Kylie's room and left the note I had scribbled on earlier and gave her one last kiss before leaving.

"You sure I don't have to wake up Kylie? She's gonna want to say goodbye" Emma said as dad and I placed my stuff inside the car

"No, it's ok. We already said goodbye last night" I told her. She smiled at me before giving me a hug

"Have a safe trip honey" She said before letting me go.

The sun was just starting to rise and soon enough, dad and I were driving off to the airport.

As I watched the sun rise completely from the window of my plane seat while the plane slowly drifted up the sky, I knew it was time to say goodbye.


12 years later....

"Awwww how cute. How old is she?" Some really cute jogger passing by asked as she took a peek at my baby girl laying in her stroller.

"She's turning one next month" I answered as I smiled

Chapter 25: Twenty Four point Five 1

Chapter 25: Twenty Four point Five 2

Chapter 25: Twenty Four point Five 3


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