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Snare of Love novel Chapter 495

The news was all over the place. The news was everywhere that Jeffery had selfishly kidnapped someone and caused a car accident that killed three people and injured one.

Everyone knew Jeffery and Victoria hated each other. And Jeffery had always thought that Victoria killed his own sister, so that was why his sister died at such a young age.

Now that this news had broken, people were willing to believe it. After all, Victoria did die not long ago because of a car accident. And there were four people in the car, and three of them died. And people were wondering why Victoria was in the van, so that was why it had become a hot topic now.

The Nelson family was an influential family. Even when the family's nanny went out, she wouldn't ride in the van. It should be said that there wasn't any cheap van in their house. However, Victoria died in the van. Wasn't that suspicious? And how could there be no inside story!

The official statement given by the police before was a car accident caused by a rear-end. Even though there were many people who suspected this statement, people did not dare to make wild guesses, for they would get sued for spreading rumors. And now that the news had suddenly broken out, people were feeling saddened. And at the same time, people started discussing the feud between people involved in this traffic accident.

People were always interested in the drama that happened in influential families, which was the most popular gossip that people loved to read. And people were interested in seeing those rich and powerful people fighting with each other.

If they were really ordinary people fighting with each other, then no one would pay attention.

Therefore, only the famous and powerful families fighting with each other would attract people's keen attention.

Charles was shocked. After all, Jeffery was an influential man. However, he was now being exposed to such news. Therefore, this traffic accident was definitely not a trivial matter.

Could it be Jayden? Did he fall out with Jeffery over Victoria's death? Charles thought silently in his heart.

Otherwise, he really could not think of other reasons. Wait a minute!

Suddenly, his eyes widened. Could it be that Matthew got back at Jeffery because he knew who he was?

If that was the case, then was Victoria really killed by Jeffery?

His latter assumption made sense to him. After all, if Jayden was going to fall out with Jeffery, he wouldn't have waited until now to do so. And Jeffery had given a hard time to Victoria over the years, so only the latter one made sense to Charles.

Matthew found out Victoria's identity, so he took revenge on Jeffery, for he needed an answer.

Jeffery really had suffered a lot this time. And Charles felt he deserved it for making his adoptive father suffer back then.

"Now where do we go?" Tom asked. He had been driving all night, so he looked a little tired.

Charles gave him a look and said, "WY Group."

Tom sighed. He didn't think Charles was stupid, but how could he be so stubborn when it came to Dolores? And Charles knew she had kids and a husband, but he still loved her. And he didn't know what Dolores said to Charles, which made him go to City B at night. And he thought Charles was very irrational to do so!

Although he did not understand Charles, he could not tell Charles about his doubts. Thus, he had to drive to WY Group as Charles ordered.

At this moment, in the WY Group president's office, the big screen which had been used during the meeting or used to observe the stock market trend had become a TV for watching the news instead.

Armand and Boyce were lazily leaning back on the sofa while watching the news.

Matthew's backstabbing scheme had worked. And the man Declan sent to investigate and had picked up the clue deliberately arranged by Boyce and led his man to find out that Jeffery was involved in Eddie's downfall.

When Eddie was in trouble, Declan was suspicious that Jeffery would help him according to the relationship between Jeffery and Eddie. However, Jeffery did not help Eddie, but he did nothing. Therefore, he was disappointed with Jeffery at that time. He found people were so snobbish and indifferent.


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