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Snare of Love novel Chapter 635

Boyce was reliable. Matthew wasn’t worried about him at all, “Call me if you need anything.”

Boyce replied, “Sure. Talk to you later.”

Then, Boyce stood up. At the same time, Boyce’s mobile phone rang in his pocket. He took out the phone and saw the call was from Officer Miller’s office. Boyce didn’t pick up right away. Instead, he looked at Matthew, “It’s Officer Miller. He might need me for something. I’ve got to go.”

Matthew nodded.

Armand stared at Boyce, who left, and then he looked at Matthew, “It’s done?”

Armand didn’t seem to understand what was going on yet.

However, nobody replied to him. Matthew headed to his desk and glanced at Armand, “Aren’t you leaving?”

Armand wanted to stay here and do nothing?

“My sweetheart is at your house. Where should I go? Your house?” Armand approached the desk and stared at Matthew, “Tell me the truth.”

Matthew flipped open the document Abbot put on his desk. He asked without raising his head, “What truth?”

“How did you get Dolores to forgive you?” Armand blinked his eyes. He had done everything he can for Theresa, but she didn’t seem to be forgiving him any time soon.

Not even a single sign of forgiveness.

All Armand wanted was to get his wife back. Why was it so difficult?

It was more difficult than going to space.

Matthew was distracted from the documents in front of him. He raised his head and looked at Armand, “Show her your charisma.”

Armand was speechless.

What was his charisma?

Armand approached Matthew with a thick face, “Teach me how.”

“You’re stupid,” Matthew insulted Armand without hesitation.

Armand went speechless again.

Armand stood up straight and chuckled, “Don’t think I didn’t know that you didn’t get Dolores to forgive you after several attempts of trying.”

Matthew glared at Armand coldly, “Then why do you bother to ask me?”

Armand choked on his words. After a long pause, Armand laughed and said, “I was panic. Help me, please? At least give me an idea.”

Matthew said, “I’ve no time.”

Matthew made Armand speechless again.

“I’ll go to Dolores if you don’t help me. I’ll ask her to help me out,” Then, Armand headed to the entrance.

Armand didn’t really want to bother Dolores. He knew Matthew too well. He said that just to trigger Matthew.

Matthew loved Dolores too much.

He wouldn’t allow Armand to bother Dolores.

Armand purposely slowed down the speed he turned the doorknob.

“Wait up!”

Matthew stopped Armand before he stepped out of the room.

Armand put up a straight face. He turned around and asked, “What?”

Matthew pressed on his temple. He didn’t really have any courting experience. As for Dolores, he forced her at first, then slowly accepted her. It was a process.

Just like the need for time in any relationship. There wasn’t anything like love-at-first-sight. Instead, people saw the good or bad in another person, then slowly got attracted.

Matthew knew exactly what Armand was thinking.

But he didn’t call him out. Armand was going to hang out with him as long as he didn’t get Theresa back.

It was not a good thing. It wasn’t good either for Theresa to keep Armand waiting.

“Tell me, what do you want me to do?”

Armand laughed and walked closer. He leaned on Matthew’s desk and got really close to Matthew.

Matthew backed off, “Stay away from me.”

What was the need of getting so close to him?

Armand frowned and thought, “Who wants to get close to you? I didn’t like men.”

“Get Dolores to get Theresa out of the house. It’s too crowded. I can’t even tell Theresa what I wanted to tell her. I want to see her outside,” said Armand.

Matthew stared at him. He didn’t promise Armand right away as he was thinking if it could work and if it could get Dolores involved.

Theresa might blame Dolores if Armand did anything overaggressive.


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