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Snare of Love novel Chapter 636

“What do you planning to do?” Dolores felt like something wasn’t right.

But she was uncertain.

“The only way to get him to give up on me is for me to have another man,” Theresa opened up to Dolores.

Dolores frowned and looked at Theresa in an unbelievable expression, “How can you do this to him? You should tell him…”

“Tell him that I’m flawed?” Theresa stopped Dolores. If she could, she would.

She wouldn’t have waited until now.

“Oscar is single, and I’m single. We could be a match. It sounded not bad.”

Dolores was speechless.

“Are you for real?” Dolores couldn’t believe what she heard.

Theresa nodded, “Yes. I wanted to do it for a long time ago, but I haven’t recovered yet, and Oscar wasn’t here, so…”

Dolores was caught off guard. She didn’t know how to persuade Theresa. She stood up, “I need a time-out.”

Then, Dolores walked out of the room.

Theresa knew Dolores was worried for her. Theresa drove herself up the wall and shut off all possibilities between Armand and her.

But Theresa had made up her mind. Nobody could change her mind.

“Don’t worry about me. I would rather live lightened up than to live with burdens.” Theresa stopped Dolores.

What can Theresa do even if she fell in love with another man that wasn’t Armand?

A flawed person like Theresa would always felt guilty for the person she loved. It was better to let go than to live in guiltiness.

To live alone or to live with a person that won’t pressure her.

As long as she didn’t live with the person she loved.

Dolores stopped. She didn’t try to convince or stop Theresa. Theresa was a grown woman. She knew what she was doing. Dolores was in no position to interfere with her decision.

“You still have time to think this through. You’re really pushing Armand away if you did it,” Dolores didn’t say much. Theresa had to go her own way, and nobody could decide for her what she should do. The only thing Dolores could do was to warn her.

“I know. I’ve thought it through,” Theresa had thought about it. She can’t be burdening another person with her flawed body, and she didn’t want to go against her will as well.

The best lifestyle for her was not to be emotionally involved with anyone.

“You better.”

Then, Dolores walked out of the room.

Jayden and Kevin went out with the children. It was quiet in the villa. Dolores got upstairs, and she felt emotional.

Dolores thought Theresa made a reckless decision, but she had to respect her choice. She understood the pain a woman felt if she couldn’t bear the child of her loved ones.

So, Dolores couldn’t say anything. Perhaps, Theresa and Armand weren’t meant to be.

It was destined to be a stormy night.

People started to tell the dirt on the internet from time to time. The topic kept heating up, and it became more interesting every minute.

Mrs. Bailey woke up from unconsciousness in the hospital. She had seven children, and only two of them, Athena and Emma, stayed beside her. Breenda, Maisy, and Eunice basically drew the line with the Bailey family, while Declan was in jail. Eunice had three kids to take care of and couldn’t come to visit. Furthermore, Eunice’s husband wouldn’t want her to be involved with the Bailey family. She couldn’t do much, even if she wanted to help. She was a woman, and she couldn’t offend her husband for her children. If her husband became unhappy and divorced her, her children would have to live without a father. It would be a tragedy. So, it was best for Eunice to stay away from the Bailey family.

Only to keep her family together.


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