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Snare of Love novel Chapter 693

When she arrived at the entrance of the villa, Wendy parked the car at the curb. She did not get out of the car immediately but lowered the window to look at the villa. She found that Armand was not in City B, and Matthew was not in a hurry as before.

Did he give up, or was there something else going on?

She gently rubbed her hand on the steering wheel and pondered the possibilities of this matter.

In the end, she could not figure out what the key point of the matter was, and decided to find out from Dolores and Matthew. She put the car keys in her bag, pushed the door open and got out of the car, and walked towards the villa.

When she reached the door, she raised her hand and rang the doorbell.

It wasn't long before someone came to the door. Coral stood at the door and asked, "Who are you looking for?"

"I'm looking for Mr. Nelson and his wife. Are they in?" Wendy asked.

"Please wait a moment while I inform them." Coral didn't let her in. She had never seen this woman before, and Matthew had explained that no one she didn't know could be let in.

After what happened last time, Amanda was not in a good state of mind. They were afraid that if a stranger came into the house, it would affect her mood.

"Okay, please hurry up. It's hot outside." Wendy said.

Coral nodded, and as she closed the door, she asked, "What should I call you?"

Wendy replied, "My last name is Miller. You can call me Wendy."

"Okay." Coral closed the door and headed upstairs.

There was no one in the house but Dolores with Amanda. Jayden and Kevin had gone to the old house with Andrew, and Matthew was not home either. Lucy was in their house as a nanny when the incident happened and they need to be held responsible. Matthew went to negotiate with Lucy's family to settle the matter, and only Dolores was at home with Amanda.

In the room, Amanda was lying in Dolores' arms and didn't say anything. She just grabbed her collar and was afraid that she would disappear.

Even when she was asleep, she would still grab her collar.

And she woke up several times throughout the night.

She was extremely upset inside.

Coral was afraid of alarming Amanda, so she gently pushed the door in and asked in a whisper, "Is Simona asleep?"

Dolores said no.

Coral whispered, "There's a lady downstairs, whose last name is Miller, looking for you. Do you know her? Should I let her in?"

Dolores hadn't been in the best of spirits the last few days. At first, she was worried because Boyce's whereabouts were unknown, and now she was worried about Amanda, fearing that it would cause her psychological damage and be affected mentally. Combined with the growing months of pregnancy, she also got tired easily.

Hearing that her last name was Miller, Dolores hadn't reacted to who it was. After all, they had only met each other once. She was half lying on the bed, with Amanda resting on her arm. Her arm was a little numb and she moved her body, "Did she say what she was doing here?"

Coral shook her head, "She only said she came to see you guys."

"Just tell her I'm not available for visitors right now," Dolores said.

Coral said yes, "I'll go down and get rid of her."

Dolores nodded and Coral walked out of the room. As she closed the door, Dolores asked, "Did she say what her name was?"

"She said her name was Wendy," Coral replied.

Wendy? Wasn’t that Boyce's girlfriend? She rubbed her forehead. So it was her. But what was she doing here?

After all, she was Boyce's girlfriend, and it wasn't good for them to shut the door on her.

"Coral, let her in."

Dolores sat up from the bed, and Coral saw that she was struggling to pick up Amanda, so she came over and tried to hold her for her. But as soon as she touched her, Amanda wrapped her arms around Dolores' neck and held her tighter, fearing that she would let her go.

Dolores patted her back and whispered soothingly, "Good girl, I'm not leaving. Just let go of your hand. I can barely breathe."


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