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Snare of Love novel Chapter 694

At this moment, Dolores could feel Wendy's inner torment.

But she also did not impulsively say Boyce was okay.

When facing Wendy, she felt very sorry inside.

"What can I do to help you?" Dolores asked.

Wendy slowly stood up and sat back on the couch, "You don't need to help me with anything. I have to brace myself for this kind of thing. Just, if you ever hear from Boyce, please let me know the first time. Can you promise me that?"

Dolores clenched her hands a little tighter and said, "That's for sure."

Her hands were covered under Amanda's skirt, so for the moment, Wendy didn't notice her hands that were uncomfortably clenched together because she was lying.

Wendy pursed her lips and asked tentatively, "Would you also find Boyce and me inappropriate?"

"If you are sincere, why do you care what others think?" Dolores didn't like her attitude of always testing others like this. "Even friends who are close can't interfere with emotional matters. It's good that you feel right and comfortable together. What other people think doesn't matter at all."

Wendy could hear the discomfort between Dolores' words. She wasn't trying to be annoying. It was just that Armand's dislike for her was too obvious. She was afraid Armand would say something bad about her in front of Dolores and Matthew.

"I didn't mean anything else. I'm just afraid people will say things about me ..."

"Just follow your heart and have a clear conscience. You don't have to care what other people think." Dolores interrupted her from explaining, because there was nothing to explain.

But this time, Dolores did see that she was not innocent.

It seemed that she had quite a lot of thoughts.

At this moment, Wendy regretted coming here. Dolores was not too old, but she spoke without mercy. She was quite thoughtful and insightful.

She felt right too. The woman Matthew liked must have merits. With Matthew's status, what kind of woman had he not seen?

And in the end, she managed to become Mrs. Nelson, so it could be imagined that she must have been exceptional.

"I've brought you displeasure, haven't I?" Now that she had seen through everything, she was no longer hiding.

Dolores smiled, "It's nothing."

Actually, there was something wrong with her. Hadn't she also lied to Wendy?

"I'll have to listen to my mother's nagging again when I get back tonight. Can I stay for dinner at your house? Actually, I think Boyce and you guys are close, so I want to get into your circle. Do you mind?" Wendy knew that if she opened her mouth, she would still see through her mind, so she might as well be frank.

She had been so frank, so Dolores could not just refuse her.

"Okay." She turned her head to Coral, "Prepare more dinner."

Coral said, "Okay."


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