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SnowMoon Healer novel Chapter 35

Will we really trust them? We are not sure if they will abide by the agreement. Maybe in the end, instead of us saving Adellee she will be even more ruined.

"Jaxson, we have to gamble on this thing. I know it's hard because we're against them but they are the only ones at these times who can help us to find Adellee. I'm taking all the options that I have and as you can see they are the only options we got. "

"Alpha, everything is ready outside. We can leave now." Connor said.

I nod.

"Jaxson, I have something to ask you. Make sure Adellee's father is safe in this fight. I don't want Adellee to be sad if anything happens to her father."

"Don't worry, you can count on me to protect Alpha Elliot at all times." Jaxson promised.

SilverMoon an SnowMoon pack gathered outside the pack house. I spotted Alpha Elliot talking to Connor. I looked at him as acknowledgment of his presence.

He's been very supportive with us even if I took his daughter because of the contract.

"Listen everyone! Tonight we will move as one to rescue my mate, your Luna from the hands of demon. These two vampires will help us to find their location. I trusted then so I wish that you all can support my decision. We will be attacking them by morning when the sun comes because that is the time when they are weak. We distributed the potion to mask our scent from the enemy. We need to defeat them and save our love ones too, because we didn't know what will happen next. Now, if there's anyone who wishes to stay you can stay. I will not force you to participate. Anyone?"

No one dares to raise their hands. Wolfs are not afraid of death. We are born fighters.

"Thank you for staying with me and now we should move."

I look at the two vampires and signal them to start moving. They will live a stain of their bloods for us to follow. It took us six hours of travel before we reached a river. We saw they entering a big hole behind the waterfalls.

This is why we can't trace them. They are masking their scent with water.

Mario came out after few minutes holding a headless vampire. He signed us to follow him, that it's already safe to move forward.

"Alpha, we already killed the guards assigned at the entrance. Kenneth and I will stay at the entrance while you and your pack are fighting. We will make sure that Adellee is inside and not taken away."Mario said.

"Thank you for your help. After this, you are welcome to join our pack." I suggested.

"No need for that Alpha. Kenneth and I will live among the humans and stay there for the rest of our lives or until we want to live." Mario said.

I didn't answer and just agree with his decision.

I looked at Jaxson, Alpha Elliot and Connor and signal them for the attack.

As we move forward we are shocked to see a big castle at the end of the tunnel. We found a lot of Vampires moving around and started to attacked them.

I tried to contact Adellee through our mind link but she's not answering.

'Connor, I can't sense Adellee. You and your team start to advance inside and find her.' i said to our link.

'Yes Alpha'

I was about to follow him too when I spotted Lukas coming out. I went straight to him blocking his attack to one of my member.

"Nice to see you again demon." I said.

"How dare you invading my people." He shouted. He transformed into his real face and started to attack me. I'm prepared ti his attack and remember the potion that was given to me. I opened it and throw in his face. He move back and shouted in pain. I hold him in the neck while pushing his face on the ground.

"Where is my mate?" I asked.

"You don't have a mate here. Adellee is my mate."

Chapter 35: The Rescue 1


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