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SnowMoon Healer novel Chapter 37

It's been one week since we came back. I know Kayden has been eager to talk to me but I avoided him. I sleep next to his room and don't allow anyone to come near me.

"Adellee, you need to open this door and talk to me. I need to know what's wrong. Why are you being like this?"

To be honest. I don't know how to face him after discovering that I am really pregnant. I don't know if It's Lukas or Kayden children. Yes, children because I'm having a twin.

As I checked it, the possible day that I conceived was the day Kayden and I had made love and Lukas rape me.

Moon goddess, what I'm gonna do.

I can feel Kayden's sadness and it doesn't help my situation. My wolf also seems silent the day we found out that we are carrying a pup. She doesn't even know if the child is wolf or vampire.

I was looking outside the window when Kayden decided to break the door and grab me. He hugs me tightly that i almost can't breath.

I can feel his wolf in-control.


My wolf and his wolf said in union.

"I can't stop him anymore."

And then I started to cry.

"Kayden I'm sorry. I'm sorry." I said.

"Hey, hey, stop crying. It's okay now. You are safe now. We are now together." He said.

"I'm sorry!" and then I collapse on the floor but Kayden grab me and put me in the bed.

"There's nothing wrong Adellee, you don't need to feel sorry for what that demon did to you."

I can't hide it anymore. Kayden's needs to know.

"Kayden I'm sorry but you need to know this."

"Know what?"

"But first promised me that you will not do a harsh decision without thinking about it thoroughly." I said.




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