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SOFT MOANS novel Chapter 33

"You are not my roommate right?." Aaron asked angrily, staring at the guy infront of him. It was no other person but James.

"I guess so.. cause I'm expecting my roommate today, and guess since you are inside the room, with your stuff already arrange. It can only mean, that we would both be sharing this room." James answered casually.

"Never, I can never stay in the same room with you. It's not possible." Aaron yelled heading for the door, james moved a bit so he could pass. "Aaron." James called walking out of the room.

Aaron didn't answer, instead he just kept on walking. "I guess you are going to the hostel master So you could request for a room change, but I'm sorry you won't be able to get the room change, why? Because every room in the hostel right now is taking and also the hostel master isn't one to allow someone change room that easily. I know we had problems while we were in highschool, and we were probably not friends but enemy. But you should know, that I have come over it and I don't care about the past anymore." James yelled really loudly.

Aaron only turned and glare at him, then continued his journey to the hostel master's office.

Once he got to the hostel master's office, he knocked on the door and he was asked to come in by the dean.

"Good morning sir." Aaron greets standing before the hostel master's desk. The dean is a slightly bulging man, with a round protruding stomach and he has a bushy goat like beared.

"Good morning Aaron. Please have your seat." The hostel master said, pointing his hand at one of the office chairs infront of his desk.

Aaron nods his head and then sat down. "So.. what is it Aaron? Why are you in my office, I don't think it's up to 2hrs since you and your father left my office." The hostel master said thoughtfully.

"Sir, I have a request please." Aaron spoke up.

"Go on.. what's your request?." The hostel master asked him.

"Uhm, I would love to change room, I don't like my roommate." Aaron said simply.

"Give it time Aaron, you just arrived at the school. You should try to know your roommate, and not make a judgement of them, just on the first day you saw them." The hostel master advice softly. This wasn't the first time he is getting complaints like this, and just like every other time, he would solve it in the same manner he would always use.

"No sir, I know this guy from highschool, and I know for a fact that he is nothing but bad news. I can't stay in the same room with him sir, please I need to change rooms." Aaron insisted.

"Come on, I think it's good that you know him. Tell me.. were the both of you enemies?." The hostel master asked in a serious tone.

"Yes, we were." Aaron answered truthfully, wondering where the conversation is heading to.

"Well.. this is good. The both of you were Enemies, I think this is the universe trying make the both of you friends." The hostel master exclaims, hitting the desk.

"I think you are wrong sir, I and James can never be friends. He is the worst guy on this planet earth, to ever have as a friend." Aaron uttered, getting much more angrier by each seconds that passed.

"I am one hundred percent sure, that if I was to ask this *james* he would probably tell me that you are alsothe worst guy to have as a friend. I think, the both of you should give yourself the chance, to be friends. I am one hundred percent sure, that the both of you would be great friends."

Aaron takes in a deep breath, stopping himself from punching the dean on the nose. If the hostel master wasn't someone that has the right to expel him from a school that he is yet to start, he would have probably landed a punch on the hostel master's face. "Sir, the both of us can never be friends, I am so sure of it." Aaron insisted, refusing to back down.

"A month, a month Aaron. Give your roommate a chance, and if after that one month is over, and you still feel like changing rooms, then I will approve of it."

"I can't wait for a month sir, I want to change rooms with him today." Aaron said deadpan.

"Young man, that is my final decision, and you can't change it. You have to wait till after the one month is over. Now, please leave my office."

Aaron slowly got up from his chair, then left the hostel master's office. He glared at the door of the hostel master's office, then walked away and head straight for his room.

He walked into the room angrily, then sat on his bed, totally ignoring the look James was giving to him. "Let me guess, you couldn't change rooms." James said staring at Aaron, Aaron didn't reply him instead he just kept quiet.

"Hmm, but well I did tell you not to. But you just don't listen, do you?." James tried again, but still yet Aaron didn't say a word.

"I'm sure he must have told you, that the both of staying in one room, it's the universe work." Aaron looked up at him, "How do you know that?." Aaron asked him. James smiled.

"Because that's the thing he usually say. I'm pretty sure you would have told him about our past, and then his reply would be. This is the universe trying to make the both of you friends." James said, and Aaron burst into laughter, so did James.

"And I'm also sure, that he just have also said, that he is one hundred percent sure, that the both of us are meant to be friends." James added, at the same trying to micmic the hostel master's voice. Aaron laughed, "I guess you really know the hostel master that well."

"When I got expelled from school, I didn't want to try out another school, so I decided to start my University life a bit earlier." James explained, and Aaron nods his head in understanding.

"Ohh." He released.

"And I'm sure, the hostel master must have also given you a month time, and after a month you are still not okay with the roommates, then he would change you right away." James said, changing the subject immediately. He felt old memories might end up crashing this new relationship he had just found with Aaron.

"Yeah that's true. He indeed said that. And I guess he is kind of right, we might really become friends before the one month expires." Aaron said with a slight flint in his eyes.


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