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SOFT MOANS novel Chapter 35

"Are you sure, you really want to go. Like, the semester would soon be ending. Why don't you wait instead." Sophie said to Alexia, as she packed her stuff.

"I have to leave now. I can't stay here anymore. I just have to go back home." Alexia replied Sophie, throwing more clothes into her bag hastily. She felt so much pain in her heart, and that is why she feels returning back home, would be a soothing balm to her heart. She could heal and forget about Aaron, if her parents are there with her. She just needs her mother's arms wrapped around her, in a comforting manner.

She sighs, then zips her bag. She turns around, and hugged both Jenny and Sophie. "Believe me, I would miss the both of you. But don't worry, I will be back. It's not like I'm going away forever. I will be back next semester, and you are welcome to come visit me, during the break. I love you guys." Alexia said then hugged the both of them really tightly. Jenny and Sophie returned the hug, then they helped her in carrying her bags, and together the three of them left the room.


Alexia stepped into her father's house, with a sad look on her face. She sighs tiredly, dropping her luggages on the ground. She looked around the room, sadly.

She was wrong when she thought coming here, would heal heart. No! It didn't do that, instead it worsen the case. She loves him, she loves her brother so much. And everything in the house, reminds her of him.

She sighs, then drags her bag on the ground. She was about climbing the stairs, when her mum came out of the kitchen. "Steve, is that you. Are you back? Why are you... Alexia?. You, are here. I thought you and Aaron are supposed to be back, atleast in a month time." Mrs Greg said, staring at her daughter, with a quizzical look.

"Yeah, but I decided to come back more early. Aren't you glad to see me?" Alexia questioned changing the subject.

"Yes of course, I am happy to see you. But are you done with your exams?. I'm just worried."

"I am done with my exams mum, exams are over, like since last week." Alexia replied her mum, and she wasn't lying. Exams were already over, students are normally asked to spend another month in school, and she couldn't stay for another month, due to the immense pain that she's feeling.

"Ohh I see. But.."

"There's no but, mum. I am here, and you should be happy to see me." Alexia said frowning deeply.

Her mum sighs, "yeah sure. I am indeed happy to see my daughter. I am so happy. Come give mummy a hug." Mrs Greg said, spreading her arms wide. Alexia wasted no time, in rushing into her mum's embrace.

"You are welcome home sweetie." Her mum whispered in her ear, hugging her daughter really tight.

"Thanks mum." Alexia replied back.

"Well... Dinner would soon be served, so you go take your bath. And then get ready for dinner, once you are done. Come back downstairs, and eat some food. You look really tiny. Ugh, look at what university has done to my poor daughter." Mrs Greg said pouting.

Alexia smiled, deep in her heart.. she knew university wasn't responsible for her slimming down, but no other person but Aaron.

She smiled at her mum, then climbed up the stairs, drawing her luggage behind her.


"Are you sure you don't want to eat more. You should really eat some more, you have grown really thin. I can't even recognize my baby anymore." Mrs Greg cried out.

"Mum, I said I'm okay. You wouldn't want my stomach to explode, would you?." Alexia said frowning.


"Come on darling, if she says she's okay. Then let her be." Mr Greg said, looking up.

"But honey.." Mrs Greg pouts.

"Leave her, she just came back. Darling, you need to give her some pace. She's no longer a little baby, that can't tell when she's full or not." Mr Greg argued. Mrs Greg pouts but didn't say anymore word.

"I need to take a walk in the garden, I will be back." Alexia stands up from her chair, and then walks out of the dinning room without waiting for her parents to say a word.

"What do you think it's responsible for her moodiness?." Mr Greg asked his wife, chewing on crabs leg.

"I don't know. But I will have to find out, seeing her like this is killing me."Mrs Greg uttered tiredly.

"Do you think it's because of Aaron has refused to change schools?." Mr Greg asked thoughtfully.

"Aaron refused to change schools?." Mrs Greg asked shocked.

"Yes he did. But I don't think that should be enough reason for Alexia to be in such state."

"I don't know honey. When the both of them find out that they were going to be in separate schools, they were really sad. So.. it's surprising that Aaron has refused to change school. But do you know what, I will go talk to her and see what's going on." Mrs Greg said standing up from her chair, she placed a kiss on her husband's cheeks and then walked out of the dinning room.


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