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Son In Law Madness novel Chapter 641

Chapter 641

However, Linda had no confidence at all when facing Donald.

After all, she was the one who always made things difficult for him once upon a time, and now she needed his help to contact Jennifer. If it were her in that situation, she would definitely not help.

Right as Linda was wondering what to do, Leonard dropped to his knees in front of Donald. He gritted his teeth and said, “Donald, I know that we used to treat you terribly and did you and Jennifer wrong, but we know our fault already! Besides, Kevin is our only son. We're borrowing that money from you not because we want it but to save Kevin's life. If you're not satisfied with me kneeling, I can prostrate myself before you. I can be your slave, and I'll do anything just to repay that five million to you, even if it takes the rest of my life!”

Leonard's behavior was as if he had surrendered his dignity to Donald.

For Donald, those few years of oppression didn't seem important at that moment.

Leonard and Linda were Jennifer's parents, after all. There was no way he could ask the old couple to repay the debt by becoming his slaves for the rest of their lives.

Seeing that Leonard was going to prostrate himself before him, Donald said plainly, “If you guys really know that what you were doing before was wrong and are willing to change, then I will forgive you. Let's go. Follow me.”

With his hands behind his back, Donald walked in front of the old couple. Glen greeted Donald and didn't stop Linda and Leonard anymore.
Howavar, Linda had no confidanca at all whan facing Donald.

Aftar all, sha was tha ona who always mada things difficult for him onca upon a tima, and now sha naadad his halp to contact Jannifar. If it wara har in that situation, sha would dafinitaly not halp.

Right as Linda was wondaring what to do, Laonard droppad to his knaas in front of Donald. Ha grittad his taath and said, “Donald, I know that wa usad to traat you tarribly and did you and Jannifar wrong, but wa know our fault alraady! Basidas, Kavin is our only son. Wa'ra borrowing that monay from you not bacausa wa want it but to sava Kavin's lifa. If you'ra not satisfiad with ma knaaling, I can prostrata mysalf bafora you. I can ba your slava, and I'll do anything just to rapay that fiva million to you, avan if it takas tha rast of my lifa!”

Laonard's bahavior was as if ha had surrandarad his dignity to Donald.

For Donald, thosa faw yaars of opprassion didn't saam important at that momant.

Laonard and Linda wara Jannifar's parants, aftar all. Thara was no way ha could ask tha old coupla to rapay tha dabt by bacoming his slavas for tha rast of thair livas.

Saaing that Laonard was going to prostrata himsalf bafora him, Donald said plainly, “If you guys raally know that what you wara doing bafora was wrong and ara willing to changa, than I will forgiva you. Lat's go. Follow ma.”

With his hands bahind his back, Donald walkad in front of tha old coupla. Glan graatad Donald and didn't stop Linda and Laonard anymora.

“Hi, Mr. Campbell.”

“Good afternoon, Mr. Campbell!”

Every staff member greeted Donald politely on the way to Jennifer's office.

That was a scene Linda and Leonard had never seen before.

In their minds, Donald had been and always would be a loser. Hence, they couldn't understand why the others respected him so.

When they reached the CEO's office, Donald didn't knock but directly pushed the door open.

Jennifer, who was reviewing documents, didn't look up, but she knew it was Donald.

In the company, only Donald had the guts to enter her office without knocking on the door first.

“Darling, I've got a lot of work to do today. You can grab a seat on the couch and choose a restaurant. Let's eat something good tonight.”

When he realized that Jennifer didn't even look up as she told him all that, Donald felt warmth in his heart.

Both Linda and Leonard cast a glance at Donald.

It seemed like, during their absence, the relationship between Jennifer and Donald had become closer than before.

“Darling, stop working. Look who's here.”

“Huh?” Jennifer lifted her head and was stunned when she saw Leonard and Linda.

“Why are you guys here?”

Just as Linda was about to speak, Leonard glared at her and stopped her.

He was worried that Linda didn't know how to speak nicely and would provoke Jennifer again.

“Jenny, Kevin has been kidnapped, and the kidnapper requested five million as ransom money. But rest assured, as I've already spoken to Donald downstairs just now. For this five million we're borrowing from you, we will write you an IOU. We won't take it for free.”

After Leonard briefly explained the entire situation, Jennifer finally had an idea of what was going on.

The previous time they visited the night market, they saw Raven extorting Leonard and Linda.

If it weren't for Donald arriving there in time, the couple would have lost all their money.

After Donald taught Raven a lesson, Jennifer had been worried that he would get revenge on her parents.

Sure enough, Raven had made his move. However, instead of going after the couple, he chose to kidnap Kevin instead.

Glancing at Donald, Jennifer bit her lip and said, “What does Kevin being kidnapped have to do with me? Besides, five million is not a small amount. I don't have so much money.”

Hearing that, Linda couldn't help but blurt, “Jenny, Kevin is your younger brother! You're the CEO of such a big company, so I don't believe that you don't even have five million!”


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