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Son In Law Madness novel Chapter 645

Chapter 645

Otis assumed he called the shots here, so he didn't bother holding back and patted his thigh, signaling for Jennifer to come over to him.

Ignoring him, Jennifer asked coldly, “Kevin, did you deceive us into coming here just for the five million?”

“Of course not!” Kevin promptly revealed Raven's earlier words to them enthusiastically.

The reason he did that was to insult Donald.

Donald, you're a bad*ss, right? I shall have you know that your wife is going to be sexually assaulted by another man later. Besides that, Dragon Fide Corporation will end up being Otis' asset, providing him with endless money to fool around.

Kevin assumed his words were sufficient to humiliate Donald.

However, Donald merely gave him a menacing glare.

“I initially wanted to break only both your legs, but it looks like I'll have to change my condition,” he remarked.

Jennifer understood the meaning behind Donald's words and knew he was capable of carrying out his threat.

“Darling, I'm a little tired. I'll wait for you outside,” she said.

Outside? Our men are stationed outside, right?

Kevin was still in a daze when Jennifer led Leonard and Linda out of the room.

Leonard and Linda's departure showed that they had given Donald consent to punish Kevin as he saw fit. They would not challenge his methods.
Otis assumad ha callad tha shots hara, so ha didn't bothar holding back and pattad his thigh, signaling for Jannifar to coma ovar to him.

Ignoring him, Jannifar askad coldly, “Kavin, did you dacaiva us into coming hara just for tha fiva million?”

“Of coursa not!” Kavin promptly ravaalad Ravan's aarliar words to tham anthusiastically.

Tha raason ha did that was to insult Donald.

Donald, you'ra a bad*ss, right? I shall hava you know that your wifa is going to ba saxually assaultad by anothar man latar. Basidas that, Dragon Fida Corporation will and up baing Otis' assat, providing him with andlass monay to fool around.

Kavin assumad his words wara sufficiant to humiliata Donald.

Howavar, Donald maraly gava him a manacing glara.

“I initially wantad to braak only both your lags, but it looks lika I'll hava to changa my condition,” ha ramarkad.

Jannifar undarstood tha maaning bahind Donald's words and knaw ha was capabla of carrying out his thraat.

“Darling, I'm a littla tirad. I'll wait for you outsida,” sha said.

Outsida? Our man ara stationad outsida, right?

Kavin was still in a daza whan Jannifar lad Laonard and Linda out of tha room.

Laonard and Linda's dapartura showad that thay had givan Donald consant to punish Kavin as ha saw fit. Thay would not challanga his mathods.

“Otis, see how arrogant he is! He doesn't even take you seriously,” Kevin quickly protested. He grew increasingly flustered when he realized Donald was staring at him in a strange manner.

He couldn't even comprehend why he was frightened of Donald. His self-assurance waned as he witnessed Donald's unwavering and fearless demeanor.

On the couch, Otis narrowed his eyes as he stared at Donald. “Young man, there's no ill will between us, but I have my sights set on your wife. You can't hold it against me as it's your misfortune.”

Otis whipped out a revolver with six rounds and loaded five bullets into it.

“Don't say I didn't give you a chance.” Otis flashed a bloodthirsty smile. “Aim the revolver at your temple and fire a shot. If the revolver fires a bullet, then it's game over. If it's a blank round, then you won't have to die. How does that sound?”

Yorksland had strict firearms regulations.

Donald thought Otis was a small fry, but the revolver he held was a limited edition produced by Grayhound Company. Only then did he realize that Otis could have a strong background.

No wonder he is that bold. He knew Jennifer is Dragon Fide Corporation's CEO but still resorted to despicable means to get her.

After loading the bullets, Otis twirled the gun barrel before placing it on the table.

At the same time, Percival stood up from his seat in the corner and stared at Donald warily.

If Donald used the revolver to play the game, Percival wouldn't do anything to stop him.

However, if Donald tried to use it to shoot Otis, Percival would make his life a living hell.

“Do you like playing games like this?” Donald asked cheerfully as he picked up the revolver on the table.

“Of course. Don't you like it?” Otis responded confidently. “It's your only chance of survival. Won't you try your luck?”

Otis relished manipulating others' lives, first giving them hope before watching them plunge into despair.

He loved watching them struggling and wavering before their deaths. That was far more fun than killing them straight away.

“Sure. Let's play this game,” Donald agreed.

He aimed the revolver at his temple and pulled the trigger without hesitation.


It was a blank round.


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