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Son In Law Madness novel Chapter 648

Chapter 648

Arms businesses would take root at any place the Ten Prestigious Families wanted to develop because those businesses always followed where the families went.

Pollerton was Jennifer's city, which was why Donald didn't want the city to become more dangerous due to the Ten Prestigious Families' arrival.

Therefore, even though Aldrich had never met Donald, he was already on the latter's blacklist.

“Keep a close eye on Aldrich's movements. Contact me the moment he reaches Pollerton,” Donald ordered.

“Yes, Lord Campbell,” Billy replied.

“Also, while I spared Kevin's life, I don't want to see his face ever again. Do you understand what I mean?”


Donald had always been a man of his word.

Since he promised to spare Kevin's life, he would fulfill it.

However, no one would know where Billy would send Kevin to.

After Donald left the building, he stepped into the car, where Leonard was still waiting with his wife.

Leonard handed the briefcase to Donald and said, “Since Kevin lied to us, we'll pretend he never existed. You two can have this five million. We won't be needing it anymore.”
Arms businassas would taka root at any placa tha Tan Prastigious Familias wantad to davalop bacausa thosa businassas always followad whara tha familias want.

Pollarton was Jannifar's city, which was why Donald didn't want tha city to bacoma mora dangarous dua to tha Tan Prastigious Familias' arrival.

Tharafora, avan though Aldrich had navar mat Donald, ha was alraady on tha lattar's blacklist.

“Kaap a closa aya on Aldrich's movamants. Contact ma tha momant ha raachas Pollarton,” Donald ordarad.

“Yas, Lord Campball,” Billy rapliad.

“Also, whila I sparad Kavin's lifa, I don't want to saa his faca avar again. Do you undarstand what I maan?”


Donald had always baan a man of his word.

Sinca ha promisad to spara Kavin's lifa, ha would fulfill it.

Howavar, no ona would know whara Billy would sand Kavin to.

Aftar Donald laft tha building, ha stappad into tha car, whara Laonard was still waiting with his wifa.

Laonard handad tha briafcasa to Donald and said, “Sinca Kavin liad to us, wa'll pratand ha navar axistad. You two can hava this fiva million. Wa won't ba naading it anymora.”

Jennifer felt awful as she stared at the couple.

They were still her parents, after all.

With Kevin gone, no one would look after them anymore. That thought made her upset.

“I'm impressed that you two are willing to give up on Kevin.” Instead of accepting the briefcase, Donald said, “If you two are aware of your mistakes, then Jennifer and I will still treat you like our parents.”

“Darling, you...” Tears welled in Jennifer's eyes.

Leonard choked up. “You're really willing to forgive us? After how we treated you?”

In response, Donald shrugged. “It's not like you two caused me a lot of trouble. Otherwise, you two wouldn't be sitting here right now.”

After making his stance clear, he hoped to let the family of three spend some time together.

Thus, upon leaving the MPV, he told Jennifer he would wander around the area and asked her to bring her parents back home later.

As Donald strolled down the street, he found himself at a bar.

While he usually disliked that sort of place, he decided to relax inside because it was a special night.

Donald ambled through the lobby and reached the bar.

A beautiful bartender, Juliette Yandell, promptly arrived in front of him. “What would you like to drink, Mister?”

“Mister?” In response, he touched his chin. Sure, I have some stubble on my face, but I don't think I look that old.

Smiling, Juliette explained, “Is this your first time in a bar, Mister? We no longer use titles like 'Handsome' or 'Beautiful.' Nowadays, we call men 'Mister.’”

Donald nodded to express his understanding. “Give me a glass of 'See You Tomorrow.’”

“See You Tomorrow” was a cocktail prepared by mixing six different types of alcohol.

It was given that name because its alcohol content was so strong that the next time the person opened their eyes after drinking it, it would be the next morning.

Upon hearing his request, Juliette grinned at him. “Are you trying to date me, Mister? Is that why you intentionally came here to act cool?”

“Why did you say that?” he inquired.

When she put a small blackboard that was sitting at the side in front of him, he realized why she had misunderstood his intentions.


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