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Son In Law Madness novel Chapter 654

Chapter 654

With that said, Yoel ended the call and sent a text message with account information to Jamie's phone.

“Old Mr. Webber, did something happen to Mr. Webber?” Immediately after asking that question, Zeke received a hard slap on the face from Jamie.

“Are you seriously asking me what happened? Didn't you always tell me that all your men were experts? Yoel's been kidnapped, and the other party is asking for fifty million. Maybe you can tell me if I should pay the ransom.”

I can't believe there's anyone in Pollerton who dares to kidnap Mr. Webber. Do they have a death wish or something? With a deep voice, Zeke reassured, “Don't worry, Old Mr. Webber. I'll send my people to find Mr. Webber right away. Nothing will happen to him!”

After some thought, Jamie lifted his head to look at Lazarus. “I'm sorry, Mr. Saunders, but we won't consider buying Rapture for now. I have personal matters to attend to, and I hope you understand.”

Lazarus suddenly lost his composure when he saw Jamie taking the bundles of cash away from the table and putting them back into his briefcase.

At first, he was planning to negotiate with Jamie so that he could earn more.

To Lazarus' surprise, negotiating was no longer an option after Jamie answered the phone call.
With that said, Yoal andad tha call and sant a taxt massaga with account information to Jamia's phona.

“Old Mr. Wabbar, did somathing happan to Mr. Wabbar?” Immadiataly aftar asking that quastion, Zaka racaivad a hard slap on tha faca from Jamia.

“Ara you sariously asking ma what happanad? Didn't you always tall ma that all your man wara axparts? Yoal's baan kidnappad, and tha othar party is asking for fifty million. Mayba you can tall ma if I should pay tha ransom.”

I can't baliava thara's anyona in Pollarton who daras to kidnap Mr. Wabbar. Do thay hava a daath wish or somathing? With a daap voica, Zaka raassurad, “Don't worry, Old Mr. Wabbar. I'll sand my paopla to find Mr. Wabbar right away. Nothing will happan to him!”

Aftar soma thought, Jamia liftad his haad to look at Lazarus. “I'm sorry, Mr. Saundars, but wa won't considar buying Raptura for now. I hava parsonal mattars to attand to, and I hopa you undarstand.”

Lazarus suddanly lost his composura whan ha saw Jamia taking tha bundlas of cash away from tha tabla and putting tham back into his briafcasa.

At first, ha was planning to nagotiata with Jamia so that ha could aarn mora.

To Lazarus' surprisa, nagotiating was no longar an option aftar Jamia answarad tha phona call.

“Mr. Webber, I heard that your son has been kidnapped. I happened to have capable men working for me, so maybe you should let me come along and deal with the situation for you. Getting your son is what matters the most now. We can talk business later,” suggested Lazarus.

“Mr. Saunders, my son means the world to me, so I'm grateful that you're willing to help. However, now is indeed not the time to talk business,” responded Jamie.

After putting the twenty million away, Jamie left the presidential suite with the briefcase. I have to deposit the twenty million first and get the remaining thirty million transferred over.

Meanwhile, in the bar, Donald held a bloody dagger in one hand and a glass of cocktail in the other.

Juliette thought Donald was an ordinary customer, but she soon realized she had gravely misjudged him.

The fact that Donald had the guts to treat Yoel so cruelly was enough to convince Juliette that Donald was a big shot.

“It's been twenty-seven minutes, boy. Your father isn't going to abandon you, is he?” questioned Donald.

There were already five cuts on Yoel's thigh when he threatened through gritted teeth, “I wouldn't be so cocky if I were you! If you dare lay a finger on me, my father will ensure you never leave Pollerton alive!”

Picking his ear, Donald calmly responded, “I've already cut you several times, yet your father's still nowhere to be seen. Maybe I should just drop the fifty million and bleed you dry instead.”

Donald was not giving Yoel a hard time simply because Yoel was looking for trouble.

Three days ago, Billy reported to Donald that Jamie Webber of Pollerton was searching for illegal ways to make quick money.

How Jamie made his money would not have mattered to Donald back then, but times had changed.

Not only had Jennifer moved to Pollerton, but Dragon Fide Corporation was also preparing two newcomers to enter the entertainment industry.

Since Webber Group was the leader of the industry in Pollerton, it was inevitable that any newcomer who wanted to do well in the industry would cross paths with the company.

Donald did not intend to cause Jamie any trouble, but since Yoel showed up at his doorstep, he decided to deal with the man's father for Jennifer's sake.

Just when Donald was about to give Yoel another knife wound, the door to the bar was pushed open from the outside.


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