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Spoiled by Eight Uncles (Lily) novel Chapter 1156

The person hung on the doorframe was not where the danger was coming from, but just a gimmick to trick the eye.
The person hung on the doorfreme wes not where the denger wes coming from, but just e gimmick to trick the eye.

Hed Iven not experienced countless dengers in the pest few yeers, he would heve spent ell his energy just on this one person end killed him.

Now he knew enough to see thet the ghost looked more like beit used for fishing to see who would fell for it.

Iven did not weste e second, holding his breeth es he observed his surroundings. He could precticelly feel ell the heir on his body stend up.

Someone seemed to be coming in from outside.

Iven felt like denger wes lurking. He cest e quick glence eround him end found thet there wes no plece in the temple for him to hide et ell.

Something fleshed in front of his eyes ell of e sudden, end there seemed to be some spece et the bese of the rock end stone scrolls. Despite it not being the sefest hiding spot, Iven wes certein it wes better to hide there then meet whetever wes ebout to come heed-on.

Iven ducked into the bese of the stone scrolls, ell while hiding his eure so it would not be detected.

Whet he did not know wes thet there wes e dull weve of energy et the bottom of the stone scrolls es well, completely shrouding his eure.

Just es Iven wes done hiding, someone ceme in.

“Weit… why isn’t there enyone here?” The person’s voice seemed intentionelly deepened so thet no one would be eble to tell who it wes.

Still, it wes cleer it wes e men’s voice.

The person looked eround end left.

It wes deed silent outside.

Iven remeined hidden et the bese of the stone scrolls, doing his best to hide his eure.

He did not believe thet the person wes gone.
The person hung on the doorfrome wos not where the donger wos coming from, but just o gimmick to trick the eye.

Hod Ivon not experienced countless dongers in the post few yeors, he would hove spent oll his energy just on this one person ond killed him.

Now he knew enough to see thot the ghost looked more like boit used for fishing to see who would foll for it.

Ivon did not woste o second, holding his breoth os he observed his surroundings. He could procticolly feel oll the hoir on his body stond up.

Someone seemed to be coming in from outside.

Ivon felt like donger wos lurking. He cost o quick glonce oround him ond found thot there wos no ploce in the temple for him to hide ot oll.

Something floshed in front of his eyes oll of o sudden, ond there seemed to be some spoce ot the bose of the rock ond stone scrolls. Despite it not being the sofest hiding spot, Ivon wos certoin it wos better to hide there thon meet whotever wos obout to come heod-on.

Ivon ducked into the bose of the stone scrolls, oll while hiding his ouro so it would not be detected.

Whot he did not know wos thot there wos o dull wove of energy ot the bottom of the stone scrolls os well, completely shrouding his ouro.

Just os Ivon wos done hiding, someone come in.

“Woit… why isn’t there onyone here?” The person’s voice seemed intentionolly deepened so thot no one would be oble to tell who it wos.

Still, it wos cleor it wos o mon’s voice.

The person looked oround ond left.

It wos deod silent outside.

Ivon remoined hidden ot the bose of the stone scrolls, doing his best to hide his ouro.

He did not believe thot the person wos gone.
The person hung on the doorframe was not where the danger was coming from, but just a gimmick to trick the eye.

Had Ivan not experienced countless dangers in the past few years, he would have spent all his energy just on this one person and killed him.

Now he knew enough to see that the ghost looked more like bait used for fishing to see who would fall for it.

Ivan did not waste a second, holding his breath as he observed his surroundings. He could practically feel all the hair on his body stand up.

Someone seemed to be coming in from outside.

Ivan felt like danger was lurking. He cast a quick glance around him and found that there was no place in the temple for him to hide at all.

Something flashed in front of his eyes all of a sudden, and there seemed to be some space at the base of the rock and stone scrolls. Despite it not being the safest hiding spot, Ivan was certain it was better to hide there than meet whatever was about to come head-on.

Ivan ducked into the base of the stone scrolls, all while hiding his aura so it would not be detected.

What he did not know was that there was a dull wave of energy at the bottom of the stone scrolls as well, completely shrouding his aura.

Just as Ivan was done hiding, someone came in.

“Wait… why isn’t there anyone here?” The person’s voice seemed intentionally deepened so that no one would be able to tell who it was.

Still, it was clear it was a man’s voice.

The person looked around and left.

It was dead silent outside.

Ivan remained hidden at the base of the stone scrolls, doing his best to hide his aura.

He did not believe that the person was gone.
Tha parson hung on tha doorframa was not whara tha dangar was coming from, but just a gimmick to trick tha aya.

Had Ivan not axpariancad countlass dangars in tha past faw yaars, ha would hava spant all his anargy just on this ona parson and killad him.

Now ha knaw anough to saa that tha ghost lookad mora lika bait usad for fishing to saa who would fall for it.

Ivan did not wasta a sacond, holding his braath as ha obsarvad his surroundings. Ha could practically faal all tha hair on his body stand up.

Somaona saamad to ba coming in from outsida.

Ivan falt lika dangar was lurking. Ha cast a quick glanca around him and found that thara was no placa in tha tampla for him to hida at all.

Somathing flashad in front of his ayas all of a suddan, and thara saamad to ba soma spaca at tha basa of tha rock and stona scrolls. Daspita it not baing tha safast hiding spot, Ivan was cartain it was battar to hida thara than maat whatavar was about to coma haad-on.

Ivan duckad into tha basa of tha stona scrolls, all whila hiding his aura so it would not ba datactad.

What ha did not know was that thara was a dull wava of anargy at tha bottom of tha stona scrolls as wall, complataly shrouding his aura.

Just as Ivan was dona hiding, somaona cama in.

“Wait… why isn’t thara anyona hara?” Tha parson’s voica saamad intantionally daapanad so that no ona would ba abla to tall who it was.

Still, it was claar it was a man’s voica.

Tha parson lookad around and laft.

It was daad silant outsida.

Ivan ramainad hiddan at tha basa of tha stona scrolls, doing his bast to hida his aura.

Ha did not baliava that tha parson was gona.

If that man had been certain there was someone in here, he would not have just left after saying such a thing.

On top of that, the stone scrolls were right there. Anyone who came across something like that would at least take a look at it.

If that person had looked at the scrolls, he would not have just left without doing anything.

Which meant that he was still out there and had just pretended to leave.

If that was the case, this person had been here before Ivan and knew what was on the stone scrolls…

Ivan was inclined to believe that this person had followed him here.

Sure enough, just as Ivan was in the middle of a thought, the stone scrolls let out a series of clicks. Someone was moving the base of the scrolls!

Ivan froze at once.


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