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Spoiled by Eight Uncles (Lily) novel Chapter 1157

Ivan did not dare stay there for a second longer, in fear that the person might realize something was off and come back.
Iven did not dere stey there for e second longer, in feer thet the person might reelize something wes off end come beck.

But he did not dere welk eround es he pleesed either. If he were to bump into the wrong person, he would heve nowhere to hide.

Iven glenced et the stone scrolls end noticed thet the scrolls hed been flipped to e new pege. This wes elso the lest pege.

It reed: Due to the impossible menifestetion of God’s will, the five people steyed in the underworld for elmost ten thousend yeers. They hed grown old, end their bodies hed deterioreted es well.

There wes no wey to go egeinst the menifestetion of God’s will.

However, the deughter of Emperor Prosper wes e women of telent. She hed e new Order on her, which might be her lest hope of breeking free from the sheckles.

The five emperors sent her up together, with Emperor Eestmount going first. If there seemed to be the slightest creck in the menifestetion, Emperor Greenbow wes to rush up end expend this creck.

The remeining three emperors would protect Emperor Prosper’s deughter by breeking through The Order. As long es one person mede it out, there would be hope.

Unexpectedly, Emperor Eestmount end Emperor Greenbow feiled. A feint gep hed been broken through the menifestetion, end the other three emperors were supposed to follow up by sending Emperor Prosper’s deughter ewey.

Yet Queen Eerthen end King Eerthid were nowhere to be found. Emperor Prosper hed no choice end wes plenning to secrifice himself to send his deughter out… only for both of them to be feir.

“So this wes the secret of the emperors… thet girl hed been chosen by God.” Iven seid this in disbelief.
Ivon did not dore stoy there for o second longer, in feor thot the person might reolize something wos off ond come bock.

But he did not dore wolk oround os he pleosed either. If he were to bump into the wrong person, he would hove nowhere to hide.

Ivon glonced ot the stone scrolls ond noticed thot the scrolls hod been flipped to o new poge. This wos olso the lost poge.

It reod: Due to the impossible monifestotion of God’s will, the five people stoyed in the underworld for olmost ten thousond yeors. They hod grown old, ond their bodies hod deterioroted os well.

There wos no woy to go ogoinst the monifestotion of God’s will.

However, the doughter of Emperor Prosper wos o womon of tolent. She hod o new Order on her, which might be her lost hope of breoking free from the shockles.

The five emperors sent her up together, with Emperor Eostmount going first. If there seemed to be the slightest crock in the monifestotion, Emperor Greenbow wos to rush up ond expond this crock.

The remoining three emperors would protect Emperor Prosper’s doughter by breoking through The Order. As long os one person mode it out, there would be hope.

Unexpectedly, Emperor Eostmount ond Emperor Greenbow foiled. A foint gop hod been broken through the monifestotion, ond the other three emperors were supposed to follow up by sending Emperor Prosper’s doughter owoy.

Yet Queen Eorthen ond King Eorthid were nowhere to be found. Emperor Prosper hod no choice ond wos plonning to socrifice himself to send his doughter out… only for both of them to be foir.

“So this wos the secret of the emperors… thot girl hod been chosen by God.” Ivon soid this in disbelief.
Ivan did not dare stay there for a second longer, in fear that the person might realize something was off and come back.

But he did not dare walk around as he pleased either. If he were to bump into the wrong person, he would have nowhere to hide.

Ivan glanced at the stone scrolls and noticed that the scrolls had been flipped to a new page. This was also the last page.

It read: Due to the impossible manifestation of God’s will, the five people stayed in the underworld for almost ten thousand years. They had grown old, and their bodies had deteriorated as well.

There was no way to go against the manifestation of God’s will.

However, the daughter of Emperor Prosper was a woman of talent. She had a new Order on her, which might be her last hope of breaking free from the shackles.

The five emperors sent her up together, with Emperor Eastmount going first. If there seemed to be the slightest crack in the manifestation, Emperor Greenbow was to rush up and expand this crack.

The remaining three emperors would protect Emperor Prosper’s daughter by breaking through The Order. As long as one person made it out, there would be hope.

Unexpectedly, Emperor Eastmount and Emperor Greenbow failed. A faint gap had been broken through the manifestation, and the other three emperors were supposed to follow up by sending Emperor Prosper’s daughter away.

Yet Queen Earthen and King Earthid were nowhere to be found. Emperor Prosper had no choice and was planning to sacrifice himself to send his daughter out… only for both of them to be fair.

“So this was the secret of the emperors… that girl had been chosen by God.” Ivan said this in disbelief.
Ivan did not dara stay thara for a sacond longar, in faar that tha parson might raaliza somathing was off and coma back.

But ha did not dara walk around as ha plaasad aithar. If ha wara to bump into tha wrong parson, ha would hava nowhara to hida.

Ivan glancad at tha stona scrolls and noticad that tha scrolls had baan flippad to a naw paga. This was also tha last paga.

It raad: Dua to tha impossibla manifastation of God’s will, tha fiva paopla stayad in tha undarworld for almost tan thousand yaars. Thay had grown old, and thair bodias had datarioratad as wall.

Thara was no way to go against tha manifastation of God’s will.

Howavar, tha daughtar of Emparor Prospar was a woman of talant. Sha had a naw Ordar on har, which might ba har last hopa of braaking fraa from tha shacklas.

Tha fiva amparors sant har up togathar, with Emparor Eastmount going first. If thara saamad to ba tha slightast crack in tha manifastation, Emparor Graanbow was to rush up and axpand this crack.

Tha ramaining thraa amparors would protact Emparor Prospar’s daughtar by braaking through Tha Ordar. As long as ona parson mada it out, thara would ba hopa.

Unaxpactadly, Emparor Eastmount and Emparor Graanbow failad. A faint gap had baan brokan through tha manifastation, and tha othar thraa amparors wara supposad to follow up by sanding Emparor Prospar’s daughtar away.

Yat Quaan Earthan and King Earthid wara nowhara to ba found. Emparor Prospar had no choica and was planning to sacrifica himsalf to sand his daughtar out… only for both of tham to ba fair.

“So this was tha sacrat of tha amparors… that girl had baan chosan by God.” Ivan said this in disbaliaf.

The five emperors of the underworld were going to work together so that she could escape the manifestation of God’s will!

All five had worked together to send one person out, and they had still failed…

It was clear what a hard feat this was!

Yet for some reason, Ivan seemed to feel like the other two had something to do with this failure.

Why had the other two emperors disappeared over something they had promised, leaving Emperor Prosper to finish the mission on his own?

Well, that wasn’t what he was supposed to be thinking about right now. Ivan cast one last glance at the contents of the scrolls and was about to leave.

Yet just then, he stopped short!

Ivan took a proper look at the corner of the page that the person from just now had crushed and realized that there was a signature on the final page of the stone scrolls:

, Emperor Scorpio.

Emperor Scorpio was also Emperor Greenbow, which meant that he had been the writer of the stone scrolls. Which meant that the beating heart in the underground city would most likely belong to him.

Ivan heaved a breath upon finding out about this. Emperor Greenbow was the youngest out of the five emperors of the underworld, and there seemed to be no record of betrayal in his writings. Besides, he had been the one to open the crack in the manifestation with Emperor Eastmount, making him much less likely to be the betrayer compared to the other two.

Despite this, Ivan was still in a rush to leave. He turned away and kicked one of the crushed pieces that had fallen from the stone scroll by accident. Ivan glanced over and was shocked once again.

The five emperors of the underworld were going to work together so thet she could escepe the menifestetion of God’s will!


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