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Standing Before Love (Myra and Sean) novel Chapter 737

Heather walked toward the main road while pondering. Judging by the traffic of the cars that were passing by on the busy road, she had a feeling it would be very hard for her to get a cab at this moment. Hence, she was starting to get a headache just by staring at the noisy street.

She reckoned no drivers would be willing to accept a booking at times like these but she still decided to give it a try—only now did she suddenly realize the importance of owning a car.

But alas, the fastest way she could think of was to increase the offer price. She believed there would definitely be drivers who were willing to accept her booking as long as she offered a price that was high enough. However, she worried that the cabs were too far away.

True enough, when Heather opened the ride-hailing app, there were no drivers around the area. She wished she could get a driver by offering a huge stack of money, but sometimes, there were situations that even money couldn’t solve.

When a driver finally accepted her booking, a smile instantly appeared on her face. However, the cab was 2 kilometers away, and Heather was worried that it would take a much longer time to arrive due to the heavy traffic. In the meantime, she paid close attention to Zayne’s phone, worrying that Jason might get too far away; given Jason’s speed, Heather thought he might drive out of Bradfort City at any moment.

I have to intercept Jason as soon as possible. However, Heather couldn’t think of better routes to get to the outskirts of the town from the city center. In these kinds of situations, Heather wished she could fly. Moreover, the traffic in the city center was hectic. As such, Heather prayed that Jason would make a turn and stop going further.

Just then, Heather’s prayer was answered as the car finally stopped. She quickly looked at the GPS to find out the car’s location. To her surprise, the car actually stopped at a gas station. Perplexed, Heather had no idea why Jason had to stop at the gas station to pump petrol.

She was worried that he would continue the journey a few minutes later. The tracker on the phone wasn’t too effective and she couldn’t track the car remotely because the maximum range of the tracker’s signal was 10 kilometers, which was very limited.

Currently, it showed that they were 60 kilometers apart. Knowing how big Bradfort City was, Heather wondered if she would ever be able to catch up to him.

Thinking of Zayne’s current situation, Heather wasn’t sure if she had made the right choice to chase after him this time. Just as Heather was in a dilemma, a black Honda stopped in front of her.

Heather opened the door and quickly got into the car. Immediately, she ordered the driver, “To Street 102.”

Since she had hailed a premier cab, the driver’s service and attitude were top-notch. Obeying Heather’s command, the driver sped toward the location.

Meanwhile, Heather stared at the GPS of the phone anxiously. The tracker on Jason’s car had not moved since then. What is going on?

At the moment, no one was able to predict Jason’s actual thoughts, so Heather could only take one step at a time. Nevertheless, it was good news that Jason had stopped by the gas station. However, Heather worried that he would have left by the time she arrived, as she couldn’t figure out why he would want to stop at the gas station.

Nevertheless, these questions were out of Heather’s control. There could be many other unpredictable things that might happen on the way, but it wouldn’t help if she continued worrying so much.

Heather said to the driver, “Get there in the shortest time possible. I’ll pay you extra.”

The driver answered in resignation, “I can only try my best at this point in time.” He knew Heather was a customer who had offered a high price. However, as much as the driver was willing to accept her offer, the traffic was at a complete standstill.

In fact, Heather wasn’t annoyed at the driver because she understood his difficulties. She blamed Bradfort City’s terrible traffic as the cars were hardly moving. Fortunately, the driver was skillful and had somehow squeezed his way through the lanes.

After traveling for 10 kilometers, the traffic got better. Heather heaved a sigh of relief as Jason’s car had not moved at all. However, she was beginning to worry about the unmoved car as Jason could have abandoned it and run away anytime.

Even so, Heather was still hopeful. Moreover, she had already informed Leon about this matter. For now, she could only wish that Leon got to the hospital as soon as possible.

This was an emergency, so Heather was certain that Leon would understand. She had completely entrusted Zayne’s safety to Leon now, and she believed that Leon would not disappoint her.

Not only did the two brothers not unite at this crucial moment, but they even had a conflict with each other. Heather did not expect such a terrible situation to happen as soon as Jason left Zayne.

To be honest, Heather had not completely recovered from the shock yet, but she was still conscious enough to be worried about Zayne, who was lying in the ward. She worried he would be alone when he came around as she didn’t know when exactly he would wake up.

The doctor had said that he could regain consciousness anytime, but when Heather recalled his pale face, she worried that he wouldn’t come around today.

She hated today—the 13th. She had not had some peace of mind since the morning, and yet such an incident occurred in the afternoon.

It was now evening and the sky was getting dark. Heather wished the day could be extended as she could sense danger coming, and she was afraid that something would happen to Zayne again.

Chapter 737 1

Chapter 737 2

Chapter 737 3


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