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Standing Before Love (Myra and Sean) novel Chapter 738

The atmosphere surrounding the two men was extremely intense. Matthias didn’t want to cause more trouble at this moment, so he took a few steps back and attempted to keep a distance away from Leon.

Leon understood Matthias’ intention. He smirked and said in a sarcastic manner, “President Locke, I heard you’ve been keeping a woman recently.”

Matthias freaked out upon hearing his words. So Leon’s actually mad because of this. Matthias couldn’t think of an appropriate explanation. Staring at Leon’s eyes, he knew Leon might not buy his words even if he explained them to him.

“You actually believed those rumors?” Matthias said justly. He didn’t intend to explain the details to Leon, nor did he want to be maligned.

“I’ve seen you and the woman together with my own eyes.” If it wasn’t that Leon had seen it himself, he wouldn’t be this suspicious of Matthias.

Matthias looked at Leon in resignation. It seems like he’s really concerned about Heather’s matters—he’s still bothered about these things at this point in time.

“She’s an employee from my company. It’s normal for us to have interactions occasionally.” Matthias still remained calm although he felt a little unnatural.

Recalling his encounter with Natalie, Matthias knew he was indefensible. Nevertheless, his conscience was clear as he did not cross the line and had improper thoughts toward Natalie. But even so, how was he supposed to explain all these? Would the others believe him? Leon was staring furiously at Matthias as if the latter had done Heather wrong. At the same time, Matthias didn’t know how to bring this about to Leon.

“President Locke, your explanation is very unconvincing. Everyone would agree that a normal staff should not have such interactions with the big boss,” Leon said in dissatisfaction. No matter what Matthias said, he regarded it with contempt.

As such, the two of them were in a stalemate. Matthias did not want to continue explaining as it made him look like he did something wrong. However, Leon got more annoyed seeing Matthias’ response as he had never expected Matthias to be someone like this.

“Don’t forget the purpose of you coming to the hospital.” Matthias reminded Leon of the more serious issue. He did not wish to be questioned further and for Leon to neglect what he was supposed to do.

On the other hand, Leon was extremely dissatisfied with Matthias to the point that he would never want to entrust Heather to Matthias’ care as he’d rather take care of Heather by himself.

“President Locke, you’ve got a bizarre taste,” Leon said in disdain. He had seen the woman before, and Heather was in a completely different league.

“That’s enough.” Matthias couldn’t stand being provoked by Leon again and again. There was a slight change in his expression as he glared coldly at Leon and his tone turned hostile.

None of them were willing to give in. It was only quite a while later did Matthias speak up pensively, “Things between Natalie and I are not like what you’ve imagined. I merely gave her a hand, that’s all.”

Matthias deemed he had done nothing wrong and had no inordinate feelings toward Natalie. Although he had perceived signs of Natalie being interested in him, this wasn’t something within his control.

“Of course you can be upright. After all, you’re now an eligible bachelor, so women will naturally be attracted to you.” Leon continued taunting Matthias and refused to listen to his explanation at all.

In fact, Matthias had expected such an outcome, so he knew his explanation would be in vain and would only make Leon despise him even more. Nonetheless, Matthias understood Leon because if he was in Leon’s shoes, he would be angry too.

After all that had happened, Leon was willing to entrust Heather to Matthias, which showed how much he trusted him. At this moment, Leon probably felt that Matthias had failed to live up to his trust.

Just as the two of them were still arguing, Zayne gradually came around and mumbled in dissatisfaction, “No way you’re bringing me to hell!” It was as if he had just woken up from a nightmare.

Instantly, Matthias and Leon stopped arguing and looked toward Zayne at the same time. It seemed like Zayne’s condition wasn’t critical anymore.

After getting out of the coma, Zayne lifted his head to look at the two men and pondered who they were.

It was only a moment later did Zayne come to a sudden realization. “Why are you guys here?” He had not realized he was in the hospital yet. Staring at the white walls, he took a while to regain his senses and finally realized that he had nearly lost his life.

“Can you still remember what happened?” Matthias quickly walked up to him and asked worriedly.

“I was hit by a car.” The last piece of memory Zayne had was that a car recklessly ran into him. Of course, his body wouldn’t be able to resist the collision with a car.

“Did you see who the driver was?” Matthias interrogated like how an inspector would.

“I can’t remember.” Zayne shook his head. Everything happened within a split second, so he wasn’t able to remember the details clearly. In fact, he had been knocked down even before he could see the driver.

“Seems like we don’t have any clues,” Matthias said in disappointment.

Standing aside quietly, Leon smirked when he saw Matthias’ dejected look.

“Please stop acting like a professional, Detective Locke.” It was obvious that Leon’s words were filled with scorn. He would not let go of any chance to sneer at Matthias.

Zayne looked at Leon in puzzlement as he didn’t understand what Matthias had done to provoke him to the extent that he had to be so mean toward the guy. The atmosphere between the two was extremely intense. What exactly happened between them?

Matthias allowed Leon to continue speaking as he pleased since he did not want to argue. He wasn’t bothered by it, nor did he see the point of doing so.

Chapter 738 1


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