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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 1056

Tawan initially planned to call the concierge and ask them to send some allergy medications over. However, he placed down the phone to open the door.

The moment he grabbed the handle, the lights on that floor suddenly turned off. Everything was plunged into utter darkness.

Before he could regain his senses from the shock of the sudden blackout, a fragrant body jumped into his arms.

Tawan’s eyes widened. What’s going on? How is it possible for a blackout to occur in the hotel?

Without any hesitation, he immediately shoved and kicked the person away. “Who’s that?”

The person fell onto the ground with a loud thud, letting out a loud shriek along the way.

Screaming in pain, Li Xiaohui clutched her head and curled up into a ball on the floor.

Instead of approaching her and asking if she was fine, Tawan spun around to look for his phone.

Fumbling about, he soon managed to find his phone on the table. When he turned the phone on, it emitted a dim light. Then, he aimed the flashlight on his phone outside. The guests in the other rooms had also come out due to the blackout.

Unsatisfied with the sudden blackout, they complained, “What kind of f***ing luxury hotel is this? How can there be a blackout? I was bathing and almost fell down.”

Complaints echoed through the corridor.

Ignoring those noisy shouts around him, Tawan shone the flashlight at the corridor. He first spotted a pair of slender legs, then a dress. When he moved his gaze upwards…

The lights suddenly turned on and another commotion broke out in the corridor.

“The power is back!”

Tawan finally got a clearer look at the person, who was cowering on the floor, clutching her head and shrieking in pain. She wore a sexy dress, with her face covered by her arms.

“What the f***? Did someone fall down?” When some guests in the corridor spotted a woman lying on the floor, they started to crowd around her. Some wanted to make fun of her, while others were simply curious.

“Who are you?” asked Tawan.

This voice sounds unfamiliar, unlike Jiang Mohan’s voice. With her hair completely disheveled, Li Xiaohui raised her head and saw Tawan standing at the entrance.

She did not recall that she had seen him at the café.

Feeling even more surprised than Tawan, she exclaimed, “Why are you in this room?”

“This is my room.” Tawan’s voice was slightly cold, evidently unhappy that something so ridiculous had happened to him.

“Your room?” Li Xiaohui was about to clamber up from the floor when she realized how she looked like now. She was wearing a black and sexy body-hugging dress. As she had just fallen down, her legs were exposed and her extremely low-cut collar revealed her two large breasts.

Some lecherous men even stared at her breasts and commented, “Wow, they’re quite huge, huh?”


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