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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 198

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 198

Zong Jinghao looked at Lin Xinyan, who was sitting on the sofa holding her daughter, and gently put her hair behind her ear. “No one can hurt my people, let alone bully and insult.”

He looked up, a faint smile tugging at his calm and serious face. “However, because you saved my wife, I won’t assess blame for this matter, to repay the favor of you saving my wife.”

After speaking, he stooped to pick up his daughter in Lin Xinyan’s arms and said, “Let’s go.”

Lin Xinyan took a breath. She didn’t expect things to turn out like this.

“Hold on.”

Bai Yinning stopped Zong Jinghao.

The usual smile on his face faded a little. “Very well played, Mr. Zong. Deliberately making such a trivial matter big to repay me for saving…” When talking about Lin Xinyan, he paused. “Saving your wife.”

Zong Jinghao didn’t deny what Bai Yinning said, because since he heard the shop assistant keep emphasizing that Chairman Bai was backing them, he had concluded that the Chairman Bai she mentioned was Bai Yinning.

That was why he deliberately made the matter big, and when Bai Yinning came forward, he gave a favor of letting things slide to repay his favor of saving Lin Xinyan.

He didn’t want Bai Yinning to keep appearing in front of Lin Xinyan because of his favor.

Zong Jinghao straightened out his daughter’s wrinkled collar and looked at her with a gentle smile, while saying to Bai Yinning, “I’m flattered, Chairman Bai. It is your people who are too weak and gave me a chance.”

Bai Yinning clenched his fists on the armrests. He had to swallow this insult, as someone was indeed taking advantage of his power to bully others.

He couldn’t refute it.

He looked at Lin Xinyan. “I’m sorry about what happened today.” When he was speaking, he looked at Lin Xinyan up and down, knowing why she came to the mall. “I own this mall. Just take whatever you need today, and I’ll bear the cost. Think of it as my compensation to you for the trouble I caused.”

“That’s very kind of you, Chairman Bai, but my wife has no habit of spending other people’s money.” Before Lin Xinyan could speak, Zong Jinghao refused first.

Lin Xinyan raised her eyes to look at Zong Jinghao’s chiseled profile. She really didn’t expect him to have this intention, and only thought it was just to tell Lin Xichen some truth. She never expected him to be so scheming, cunning, and depressed deep down.

Lin Xinyan forced a polite smile. “Thank you, but there’s no need for that.”

Bai Yinning also smiled. “Well, then just let me know if you need me in the future. I’m afraid we will have to postpone our meeting with the master.”

Lin Xinyan understood that he had to deal with the things here, so she said, “If you are free tomorrow, we can go tomorrow.”

Bai Yinning replied after thinking for a moment, “Okay, I will pick you up at the hotel then.”

“Okay.” Lin Xinyan held her son’s hand.

They didn’t go back right away. This time, Zong Jinghao followed Lin Xinyan every step of the way, for fear of her being bullied again.

Lin Xinyan complained, “You following me like this makes me look like some kind of rare animal.”

Who would go shopping with their ‘husband’, children, and a group of bodyguards in tow?

Everyone stared at her wherever she went, making her feel very uncomfortable.

Zong Jinghao said righteously, “I’m worried if you shop alone. What if you get bullied again?”

“I’m not a kid…”

“You didn’t manage it well just now.”

Speechless, Lin Xinyan actually found no words to refute him.

Compared to their ease, Bai Yinning was pissed off by this unprovoked disaster.

Yao Qingqing kept saying sorry, but this was not what Bai Yinning wanted.

The shop assistant was prevented from leaving the store by Gao Yuan. She stood by the door, and flinched to reduce her presence, hoping Yao Qingqing could plead for her.


“Don’t call me!” Yao Qingqing was annoyed. She was originally adopted, and her adoptive parents were not kind to her, so naturally this girl wasn’t her real cousin either.

It was just that the mother of this cousin was very kind. Once she was beaten and scolded by her adoptive parents and got shut out of the house without any food. This cousin’s mother took her in and gave her food.

Remembering her kindness toward her, Yao Qingqing asked her cousin to come to help at the store when she was jobless, but she didn’t expect that she would not only steal the money from the store, but also threaten customers to buy clothes in such a manner.

No wonder she felt that business in the store had been getting worse recently.

It turned out that it was all because of her, who ruined the store’s reputation.


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