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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 199

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 199

Su Zhan and Qin Ya were sitting by the window, with a few empty glasses on the table. It seemed that they had been sitting there for a long time.

After seeing them coming in, Su Zhan rushed over without a care for his image. “You are finally back. We have been waiting for you for a long time.”

Shen Peichuan pushed him away disgustedly. “Did you get lost? What took you so long?”

He said that he was leaving long ago, so it stood to reason that he should have arrived early.

When he was speaking, he glanced at Qin Ya who was walking towards Lin Xinyan. Why did he bring her along?

What did this brat do to her?

Su Zhan was frustrated and didn’t notice Shen Peichuan’s ambiguous gaze. When he came, he was caught by his grandmother, who demanded him to tell her when he would get married, or she wouldn’t let him go out.

He only managed to come out after he lied about getting married at the end of this year.

That was why he was late.

The main problem was that he didn’t even have a serious girlfriend.

“Don’t mention it. It’s my grandma again.” Seeing Su Zhan’s distressed look, Shen Peichuan knew why.

Although the Su family was not a wealthy family, it was considered to be a family of scholars, but Su Zhan’s parents died early, and he was left with his only grandmother. Su Zhan was now a man in his thirties, so it was normal for his grandmother to be worried about his marriage.

“She urged you to get married again?” Shen Peichuan bumped his shoulder with his.


“Isn’t there already a girl for you?” Shen Peichuan raised his chin at him. Not far away from them, Qin Ya was holding Lin Xinyan and didn’t let go. “I finally see you. During your disappearance, I was terrified and afraid that you would be in danger. Our trip back to China this time is so thrilling and exciting.”

“Okay, don’t worry. Look, I’m fine now.” Lin Xinyan patted her on the shoulder.

Su Zhan looked at Qin Ya and pouted. “This girl is good, but she’s a difficult one.”

“Can’t you even get a woman with your means?” Shen Peichuan jokes.

Su Zhan glared at him. “Am I such a low-class person?”

“Haha.” Shen Peichuan laughed, thinking that now he was a good man again. He is the one who used to have different women every day.

But Shen Peichuan knew that he was not serious and was just fooling around.

“By the way.” Shen Peichuan put his arm around his neck, and whispered to him on the side, “I noticed that Jinghao and…”

“Daddy, what are they talking about?” Lin Ruixi lay on Zong Jinghao’s shoulder and looked at the two men who were standing not far away and whispering by the window.

“Don’t bother about them.” Zong Jinghao took her upstairs.

Lin Xinyan went to help Qin Ya drag the suitcase. “You must be tired from the journey. Let’s go up and rest.”

“Okay.” Qin Ya refused to let Lin Xinyan help her. “I can take it myself.” She reached out to touch the top of Lin Xichen’s head. “Xichen.”

“Aunt Qin, why did you come with him?” Lin Xichen looked at Su Zhan and then Qin Ya.

Initially, Lin Xinyan also wanted to ask why they came together.

“He went to the store to tell me that you’ve been found. I was anxious to see you, so I followed him here. We couldn’t get any order when you’re gone, so there are no customers.” Qin Ya was a little disappointed and felt that she still wasn’t good enough. Although the two clients she received were satisfied with her design, they said that her design was rather less impressive, and didn’t place any orders afterwards.

Ellen was now looking after the store, while she came here.

Lin Xinyan patted her on the shoulder to comfort her. “It’s okay. It will get better.”

After she successfully invited the master who knew about tea silk, she was sure that their business would be good.

Qin Ya told Lin Xinyan about what happened in the store during her disappearance, while they went upstairs.

Shen Peichuan arranged a sumptuous dinner to welcome Su Zhan and Qin Ya.

Lin Ruixi was sleepy and insisted on being carried by Zong Jinghao. “Daddy, I want to sleep in your arms.”

The little one was very coquettish, as she put her arms around his neck refusing to let go, and called him sweetly, “Daddy.”

Kissing his daughter’s face, Zong Jinghao was unwilling to say no to her, as his heart had melted.

Zong Jinghao said in Lin Xinyan’s ear, “I will take her up first.”

Lin Xinyan nodded her head.

After Zong Jinghao left, Lin Xinyan placed some food on her son’s plate. After taking a bite, Lin Xichen put down his chopsticks and slid off the chair. “I’m done too.”

Being sensible like a small adult as he was, he wanted to go back to the room by himself, but Lin Xinyan was worried. “I will go up with you.”

“No, it’s not like no one is following me.” He pointed at the two bodyguards behind him.

Without knowing He Ruize’s whereabouts, Zong Jinghao was worried that he would hurt the kids and Lin Xinyan again, so he asked the bodyguards to follow them all the time.

“Come on, Ma’am. We came all the way from B City to find you. Do you really want to leave us alone?” Su Zhan looked at Lin Xinyan aggrievedly. “Since I spared no pains to bring Miss Qin to you, I shall toast you, okay?”

He wanted to say that you should toast me, but she was Zong Jinghao’s wife, he dared not ask her to toast him.

So he changed his words and proposed to toast her himself.

Looking at Su Zhan and then at Shen Peichuan and Qin Ya, Lin Xinyan took the glass of wine that Su Zhan handed over, and said with a smile, “I toast all of you. Thank you for taking care of the people around me during my absence. “

She downed the glass of strong white wine, and her throat burned as soon as she gulped it down. Frowning, she put down the glass, took a sip of the plain water to relieve the discomfort.

Su Zhan blinked. “What a good drinker, Ma’am, I’ll down mine too.”

After drinking the wine, Lin Xinyan thought of her two children and said, “You guys, enjoy. I will go upstairs first.”

Su Zhan stopped her. “Ma’am, apart from bullying us, Zong Jinghao, that inhumane guy, doesn’t treat us like a human being at all. I feel bitter, but I dare not say it out.”

Su Zhan complained ‘tearfully’ about Zong Jinghao.


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