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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 201

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 201

Su Zhan began to get nervous. Qin Ya was close to Lin Xinyan, so how was he going to explain this to her?

“Don’t cry,” Su Zhan said walking over to Qin Ya and putting a hand on her shoulder. She pushed it away immediately. “Get away from me! Don’t let me see you again, you disgusting bastard!”

The more she thought about last night, the more her stomach churned and her body shook.

Su Zhan’s expression shifted for a second, though he managed to stop his temper from flaring up. Indeed, as a man, he wouldn’t be on the losing end.

After all, this was Qin Ya’s first time, not his.

When a woman’s most important treasure gets taken away from her, it made sense for her to get distraught over it.

“She was outside, and she just knocked,” Su Zhan told her in an attempt to calm her down so that they could deal with their current predicament.

Qin Ya’s cries stopped abruptly as she raised her swollen eyes to look at him. “How?”

This is so shameful!

She buried herself in the sheets, wishing that the ground would just open up and swallow her right now.

“Don’t panic,” Su Zhan said, trying even harder to calm her down. “Why don’t we pretend that we’re dating?”

That would be much better than having their one-night stand exposed.

If they were lovers, it wouldn’t be surprising to get intimate once in a while.

That would make a lot of sense.

“Don’t you dare!” Qin Ya yelled, launching a pillow straight at his head.

“If you didn’t get me drunk, this wouldn’t have happened…”

Su Zhan caught the pillow she threw at him and slapped a hand over her mouth. “Shoosh! Do you want everyone to know that we slept together last night?”

Qin Ya hesitated for a moment. She didn’t want that to happen.

It would be very embarrassing.

“Let’s just pretend that we’re lovers for now, and find an excuse to break up later on. It won’t be embarrassing at all. What do you think?” Su Zhan said. He knew that she didn’t want anyone to know about this, so he decided to bring up the topic of pretending to be a couple again.

They need to bluff Lin Xinyan first.

Qin Ya thought about it for a while but didn’t say a word.

Su Zhan exhaled loudly. Why is this woman so stubborn?

“Fine, I’m a man, so a one night stand wouldn’t matter to me. I’ll just tell everyone that we had one drink too many last night and ended up in bed together,” Su Zhan said, making a move to open the door.

Qin Ya panicked.

Su Zhan wrapped his hand around the door handle and started to twist it.

“Wait!” Qin Ya stopped him. The gear was turning in her head. She figured that what Su Zhan said made sense too since pretending to be lovers would be a lot less humiliating than confessing that they had a one-night stand to everyone they knew.

“I’ll pretend to be your girlfriend,” Qin Ya said after mustering up all her courage.

Su Zhan felt relieved. However, when he opened the door, there was no one. Poking his head of the room, he realized that Lin Xinyan had gone back to her room.

Lin Xinyan figured that she was acting too rashly and that she shouldn’t have barged in at this hour. She shouldn’t have invaded his privacy no matter what their relationship was.

She was just too shocked to come to terms with the situation, and she realized just how stupid her plan sounded. So, she left soon after.

She didn’t know how to face him anyway.

“Sister in law?” Su Zhan called.

Lin Xinyan turned around to see Su Zhan poking his head out from his room. “I have to tell you something later during breakfast,” he said.

Lin Xinyan nodded, before pushing open the door to her room. She had wanted to go out for some fresh air, yet everything that had happened made her change her mind. She began to think of what Su Zhan wanted to talk to her about.

Is it going to be something about him and Qin Ya?


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