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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 202

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 202

“I’m in love with Qin Ya.”

Su Zhan declared his love for Qin Ya out loud when everyone assembled in the dining room for breakfast.

Qin Ya was not used to getting so intimate with him she struggled a little in his embrace. However, Su Zhan immediately bent down and whispered into her ear, “If you don’t want to mess up our act, then don’t resist.”

Qin Ya had no choice but to play along.

“Hmm,” Shen Peichuan said, smacking his lips together. “That’s some amazing speed.”

Qin Ya was so hostile towards Su Zhan when they were drinking last night, and now they’re lovers?

Who are they trying to bluff?

Shen Peichuan had been suspicious of this since the beginning. Zong Jinghao could tell that Su Zhan was just playing around just from Lin Xinyan’s account.

However, he was just too lazy to expose Su Zhan.

Zong Jinghao fed Lin Ruixi as she sat in his lap.

He didn’t care about anything but his little daughter.

Shen Peichuan didn’t know what to make of it either, as he watched Zong Jinghao lovingly feed mouthful after mouthful of food to his daughter. He had never seen Zong Jinghao acting so gentle before Lin Ruixi came into his life.

He is a slave to his daughter, perhaps?

That description fits Zong Jinghao perfectly.

“Rui,” Shen Peichuan said, picking up a hard-boiled egg. “You want Uncle to help you peel the shell?”

Lin Ruixi shook her head, hugging Zong Jinghao tightly. “No. Daddy will help me peel it.”

Shen Peichuan blinked a few times, feeling abandoned. Zong Jinghao was married and had a cute daughter as well as a smart son. Even his wife was beautiful and much younger than he was.

To add insult to injury, even that playboy Su Zhan fell in love, while he was the only one who was single.

Did he really get abandoned like that?

He moved closer to Lin Xichen, the only other bachelor in the house.

Lin Xichen wasn’t sure why Shen Peichuan moved so close to him, but he still gave the hard-boiled egg he finished peeling to Shen Peichuan.

“Uncle Shen, you can have this.”

Shen Peichuan’s expression softened at the sound of that. Looks like someone still cares about him.

He took a bite out of the egg. “Thanks, Xi.”

Lin Xichen gave him a look. “No problem. I just think that you look a bit lonely.”

Shen Peichuan went silent.

The egg in his mouth started to taste funny.

Even Lin Xinyan doubted the truth in Su Zhan’s announcement.

“Why do you think Qin Ya came here with me? It’s because we’re dating. Today just seems like the perfect day to announce it since the weather is great.”

Su Zhan spoke with ego.

Lin Xinyan didn’t have the heart to expose him anymore, reminding herself of the saying, “Even destroying ten temples is better than spoiling a marriage”. She decided to congratulate them instead. “Alright then, since you’ve made up your mind, then you should forget about the past and focus on your future with her.”

Qin Ya began to feel embarrassed. “Lin, I didn’t mean to hide this from you…”

“It’s fine. It’s getting late. Let’s hurry up and eat.”

She didn’t blame Qin Ya for anything. She was an adult after all, so she probably knows what she was doing. The only thing Lin Xinyan felt unsettled about was whether Su Zhan would end up harming her.

They hadn’t known each other for long, and Su Zhan wasn’t the kind to watch his tongue.

Qin Ya flicked Su Zhan’s hand away and walked to Lin Xinyan’s side. “Lin.”

Lin Xinyan hugged her by the shoulder and got her to sit down beside her. She didn’t want Qin Ya to feel pressured about this.

Qin Ya didn’t even dare to look Lin Xinyan in the eye. She felt ashamed.

She wasn’t really dating Su Zhan to begin with.

Zong Jinghao grasped Lin Xinyan’s hand under the table. ”Everyone has their own fates.”

He didn’t want Lin Xinyan to worry too much about other people’s lives.

He put a glass of milk before her. “Drink this.”

Lin Xinyan knew what he meant. However, she was just feeling concerned for Qin Ya due to their close relationship, even though she had no intention to interfere. Then, She picked up the glass of milk and downed it quickly.

“Mummy,” Lin Ruixi said, giving the egg Zong Jinghao peeled for her to Lin Xinyan. “This is for you.”

The little girl held the “little white ball” tightly as she raised it to Lin Xinyan’s mouth.

She was such a filial child.

Lin Xinyan took a bite of the egg her daughter was holding. It was just an ordinary egg, yet it tasted more delicious than it should be.

She stroked her daughter’s head, oblivious to the little bit of egg yolk stuck to the corner of her mouth. Zong Jinghao grabbed a piece of tissue paper and wiped it off for her.

Lin Xinyan felt slightly uncomfortable. So many people were watching them! She tried to take the tissue paper from him, but was met with Zong Jinghao’s determined gaze.

Se retreated her hand recalling how he wanted them to act like they were in love whenever they were in front of others.

As she let Zong Jinghao wiped her mouth clean, Lin Ruixi wriggled deeper into her father’s embrace with a giggle. She loved seeing her parents acting like that.

She felt like the happiest girl in the world.

Su Zhen was slightly shocked by all this. Taking a huge gulp of milk, he said, “Can you all stop it? You’re embarrassing Peichuan! He hasn’t gotten even a single date yet!”

He began to laugh awkwardly after that.

Shen Peichuan gave him a disgusted look, before stuffing the rest of his egg into his mouth and standing up.

Lin Xichen stood up with him. “I’m full too.”

“Come with Uncle,” Shen Peichuan said. He couldn’t help but feel grateful for this boy’s presence.

When they got to the door, they bumped into Bai Yinning, who was heading towards them.

Shen Peichuan stopped in his tracks. “Mr. Bai! Why are you here?”

“I’m here for Ms. Lin,” Bai Yinning said with that familiar light smile on his face.


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