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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 347

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 347

Just before she detonated the bomb, Su Zhan rushed over and kicked the remote out of her hand. He later crouched down and choked Liu Feifei while yelling, “Go to hell.”

Liu Feifei didn’t struggle. Instead, she grinned evilly.

Su Zhan’s gaze darkened. He quickly realized that the only reason she’d be happy was if she had something else up her sleeves. Hence, he didn’t kill her. He simply slammed her head against the corner with a bang. Liu Feifei’s head started bleeding before she passed out.

Su Zhan walked back to Qin Ya’s side to help her up, but she pushed him aside. “You should leave,” said Qin Ya.

Su Zhan wasn’t expecting that, so he fell hard on his butt. He stared at Qin Ya in bewilderment as he blurted, “You…”

Qin Ya struggled to get up. She glared at him and scowled, “I don’t need you and your fake love. And don’t touch me. I’ll get so disgusted that I might vomit.”

Su Zhan knew that there was no point in saying anything to her. His action had already hurt her.

He wanted to say that he would die with her if anything were to happen to her.

Still, he had no choice.

“I’m so sorry. You’re injured, so let me take you to the hospital,” said Su Zhan. He ignored her reluctance and bent down to carry her like a princess. That was when he noticed something strapped around her waist. He tilted his head down to take a better look. It was a bomb!

The number on the device kept changing. It didn’t take a genius to know that it was a time bomb, and it was counting down!

Su Zhan shifted his gaze upward and meet a pair of eyes shining with hopelessness.

Qin Ya’s throat was dry, and her voice was extremely hoarse when she growled, “Let me go. Run as far away as you can if you want to live.”

Su Zhan set her down, but he didn’t leave. He examined the bomb to figure out a way to free her from it. He promised, “I won’t let you die alone. If it comes to it, I will die right by your side.”

Qin Ya laid weakly against the cold and dirty wall before she replied, “Do you think I’d forgive you just because you said those words? I will never forgive you, Su Zhan.”

He had his head down in shame as he murmured, “I know.”

Qin Ya stared at Su Zhan’s face and messy hair for a moment before she slowly closed her eyes. She never wanted to see that man again.

He had a shot at disengaging the bomb. He wasn’t confident about it, but he had a shot!

“Don’t worry, I will…” said Su Zhan as he looked up. He caught Qin Ya with her eyes closed and knew she didn’t want to see him. His heart ached, but he knew that was not the time or place for dealing with his love life. He had to prioritize saving her life.

He walked away to find a plier, but he couldn’t find one despite searching the entire ship. When he returned to the cabin, he found a rusty box in a secluded corner. He used a metallic rod to pry it open. As suspected, that was a rusty toolbox that was rarely used. The ship was constantly wet, so the toolbox had a thick layer of rust, but all the necessary tools were shielded inside. He grabbed a pair of pliers and hurried to Qin Ya. “I found the tools!”

Qin Ya had turned even weaker by then, and she couldn’t even open her eyes. She was like a withered flower that no longer held the vitality she once had. Su Zhan went into a daze and wondered how things would be if she died just like that.

His heart ached like nothing before when he thought about it. It was like countless needles had simultaneously pierced through his heart, and they stung him.

Su Zhan reached out to caress her face. He decided that if they were to survive, he would beg for her forgiveness and do anything to make up for his mistake.

Su Zhan’s hand trembled when he held the pliers and saw the four wires inside the box. His decision would determine whether they survive.

Unfortunately, the bomb was still counting down. Su Zhan didn’t have time to think, so droplets of sweat donned his forehead.

He bit down and chose the red wire. With his eyes closed, he applied force on his pliers to cut that wire. Click!

Unfortunately, the countdown continued. That got Su Zhan nervous.


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