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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 348

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 348

A guy tagged along with Lu Yuan. The former was standing on the top deck and pointing at Su Zhan, who was busy looking for Qin Ya.

The tiny dot looked like a human, and Lu Yuan was in a hurry to locate Liu Feifei, so finding any survivor was good news for him. Lu Yuan quickly had his people get the boat over.

Su Zhan and Lu Yuan knew one another, but they weren’t close. They never chatted or worked together before, and they were acquaintances at most.

When Lu Yuan saw who the man in the water was, he cleared his throat and asked, “Where is Liu Feifei?”

Su Zhan shifted his gaze up. Water dripped down from his hair and blurred his vision, but he could still see who the man was. He knew that Lu Yuan was the one talking to him. “Help me locate someone, and I will tell you where Liu Feifei is,” said Su Zhan.

Lu Yuan scoffed, “Look at the state you’re in. How can you talk terms with me? If it hadn’t been for me, you would’ve drowned.”

What is Lu Yuan doing here? Something must’ve happened, and it must be related to Liu Feifei. That is why he is looking for her.

“That is my only condition, and you’re right. There is nothing I can do if you don’t help me, but you can forget about ever locating Liu Feifei if you don’t.”

Lu Yuan deliberated. Everyone knew Su Zhan and Zong Jinghao were friends. Lu Yuan’s father was collaborating with Zong Jinghao. If Su Zhan died because Lu Yuan refused to extend a helping hand… well, things would be bad.

To make matters worse, the company was in hot water because of Liu Feifei. Lu Yuan could not afford to let the woman share any other videos or news online.

“Fine, I’ll help you find your friend,” replied Lu Yuan. He was there to capture Liu Feifei, so naturally, he had a number of excellent swimmers with him.

“Who are you looking for?” asked Lu Yuan.

“A woman.”

Lu Yuan seemed to have sensed what that matter meant to Su Zhan, so the former waved his hand and instructed, “Do your best to locate that person.”

It was extremely difficult to locate a woman in the vast ocean,. The longer it took them to locate the woman, the less likely that she would survive.

Su Zhan and Lu Yuan had the men spread out to expand the search.

Then, someone suddenly shouted, “I found somebody.”

Su Zhan swam over as quickly as he could. His heart thumped faster as he got closer. He was hopeful and terrified at the same time. He was hopeful about the person being Qin Ya, but was terrified that she might already be dead.

As he got closer, he saw the person’s face. Her wet hair had hidden over half of her face, but Su Zhan could tell that the person was Qin Ya.

Su Zhan pushed the other guy aside. He held Qin Ya in his arms as he swam and dragged her to the boat.

It took a couple men to get Qin Ya out of the water. Su Zhan slowly set her down and checked her heartbeat. It was mild, but it was there! “Turn the boat around right away!” growled Su Zhan.

Lu Yuan stared for a moment before he had his people take them back to land.

“Dry clothes. I need dry clothes.” murmured Su Zhan.

He then went as far as trying to snatch the coat off of Lu Yuan’s back.

Lu Yuan was dumbfounded for a second before he roared, “Are you out of your mind?”

“Hand me your clothes,” demanded Su Zhan. The weather was too cold, and he was worried that Qin Ya would get a fever. Everyone else had jumped into the water earlier, so only Lu Yuan had dry clothes on.

Lu Yuan bulged his eyes in bewilderment. “You’re gay?”

Su Zhan was tempted to cuss upon hearing that. Your mom’s gay.

He later snatched Lu Yuan’s coat off the man’s back then rushed to Qin Ya. He wrapped her in the coat and kept praying. Please be alright. You can’t die. I can’t let anything happen to you.

Su Zhan was on his knees. All he could think about was how calm Qin Ya looked when she stood on the boat, and how she wanted to die.

“Holy f*ck!” shouted Lu Yuan when he saw the bomb strapped on Qin Ya’s waist. It’s not gonna go off, is it?

The boat exploded because Liu Feifei wanted to kill Su Zhan and Qin Ya. She pressed the detonator and the bombs on the boat exploded. The bomb strapped on Qin Ya, however, never went off. Turned out, Su Zhan cut the right wire. The countdown paused at the last second, and the bomb never went off.

“Quick, hurry! Get rid of it,” roared Lu Yuan. He could barely form full sentences at that moment. It was a bomb. No one knew if it would still explode.

“You want us to throw the woman overboard?” asked a subordinate.

“I meant the bomb, you idiot!” growled Lu Yuan.

The man Lu Yuan called an idiot then reached out to take the bomb. However, Su Zhan suddenly turned around and glared over. “Do not touch her!”

“I’m not reaching for her. I just…” said the man. He trailed off and pointed at the bomb.


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