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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 379

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 379

Guan Jing shivered as he cursed the one who called him. He quickly pulled his phone out, only to feel a sense of relief when he saw the caller ID.

All one hundred managers had their attention on Guan Jing as the company had stated that all phones must be silenced during a meeting.

Guan Jing quickly answered the call, and Lin Xinyan’s voice could be heard from the phone. “Did you check what I asked you to last time?”

Guan Jing froze; he could not recall such a request.

Lin Xinyan put her chopsticks down. “Did you forget? I asked you to help check which management agency Li Zhan belongs to. Is it done?”

Because of Lin Xinyan’s reminder, Guan Jing finally remembered it. Since it wasn’t a good idea to speak in front of every manager in the company, he decided to take the call outside. Guan Jing showed his phone to Zong Jinghao, and the latter immediately frowned at the caller ID -Chairman’s Wife.

The chairman simply grunted and signaled Guan Jing to leave.

“Are you busy?” Lin Xinyan asked impatiently.

“No, no.” Guan Jing closed the door behind him and found a quiet spot. “I didn’t get the chance to tell you this since you hung up too fast last time. Li Zhan did not sign with any management agency, but he does have a manager.”

Lin Xinyan frowned. “Then, can you locate him?”

“He just got back a few days ago. He now lives at 108 Tongling West Road,” Guan Jing replied.

“I see. Thanks.”

“Wait!” Guan Jing quickly stopped Lin Xinyan from hanging up. “Do you know Li Zhan?”


“Then, why are you looking for him?”

“It’s work-related. Why?”

“D-don’t you know who he is?”

“Oh? Do enlighten me.” Lin Xinyan’s interest was piqued.

Guan Jing was about to answer but he quickly swallowed his words back down. He believed it wasn’t something he should disclose.

“You’ll know when you meet with him,” Guan Jing finally answered and hung up.

Since Lin Xinyan didn’t know anything about it, it only meant that Zong Jinghao hadn’t told her the detail.

Lin Xinyan stared at the phone, completely dumbfounded.

What the heck? You piqued my interest, and now you’re leaving me hanging here? Is this a game to you?

She put her phone down and finished her lunch before driving to 108 Tongling West Road. Since she wasn’t familiar with the district, she had to rely on the GPS. The closer she got to her destination, the more remote the surroundings got. She couldn’t help but suspect if a famed celebrity really lived at such a location.

The buildings along the road were all really old. Only a few people could be seen wandering around the stores – most of them were elderly.


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