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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 380

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 380

Long time no see? Lin Xinyan raised a brow. “Are you talking to me?”

“Is there anyone else in the car other than us?” Li Zhan grinned.

Lin Xinyan racked her brains but couldn’t find any instance that she’d met with Li Zhan before.

“Have we met?”

“You really can’t recognize me?” Li Zhan asked.

Lin Xinyan turned back to study the handsome face. Other than him being really good-looking, she could not remember meeting him. If she really had met him in the past, it would be impossible for her to forget a face that was hand-carved by God.

The car soon parked outside the biggest mall in the city center. Banners with Li Zhan’s name on them could be seen everywhere.

“This should be the right place.”

Li Zhan nodded and put on his sunglasses and face mask. “Can you come in with me?”

Lin Xinyan thought about it and nodded. Since she was looking for Li Zhan to endorse her product, this would be a great chance to get close to him.

Li Zhan smiled. “Let me make a phone call.”

Since many fans were waiting outside the mall, his path would be blocked by them if he were to go down now.

Lin Xinyan understood his situation and did not argue with him.

The celebrity quickly dialed a number and told the people on the other side that he’d arrived.

“Where are you?”

“Main door.”

“What’s the model of the car you’re in? The person I sent to pick you told me they couldn’t find you.”

Li Zhan raised his head and asked Lin Xinyan, “What’s your license plate number?”


Li Zhan repeated the plate number before he hung up.

“They’ll send someone to get us,” Li Zhan sighed as it was something that happened often to him.

Lin Xinyan smiled to express her understanding. They waited for a few minutes before someone knocked on the window. Since the back door was also being crowded by fans, they had no choice but to go in through the front.

The bodyguards quickly forced the fans back and formed a path for Li Zhan to walk into the mall.

“Li Zhan!” the fans screamed at the top of their lungs as soon as they saw their idol. Lin Xinyan walked next to Li Zhan and could feel the obsession the crowd had for the celebrity. She couldn’t help but shiver – she could not understand why they would go crazy for him.

She even believed that these fans would run over her to get to him if the bodyguards weren’t there to stop them.

Li Zhan held a fan meeting at the mall because he had signed a contract with the owner to help boost their sales. Li Zhan was one of the most popular celebrities out there, so the owner believed that the crowd that came because of Li Zhan would also spend inside the mall after the event.

All of the usual decoration in the main hall was replaced by a stage for Li Zhan. Escorted by the screams of his fan, the celebrity entered the mall and took his face mask and sunglasses off as soon as he went up the stage, which only garnered more cheers and shrieks.


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