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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 381

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 381

Lin Xinyan had seen the work Li Zhan was famous for, and she could recite a few movies he’d been in even though she had never watched any of them before.

There was no way she could answer that question.

“Looks like you’re too tense to answer the question,” the host joked.

“Yes. I am indeed tense.” Lin Xinyan forced a smile. “I can’t believe I’m standing next to my idol.”

Li Zhan tilted his head up slightly as he was satisfied with the answer.

“So, which character do you prefer the most?”

“All of them,” Lin Xinyan replied and won the applauds from the crowd.

“I see. Please, show us your right hand,” the host smiled.

Lin Xinyan looked at the host puzzlingly as she wondered if there was another gift. “I don’t need another gift,” Lin Xinyan quickly declined. “I’m happy enough to be able to stand this close to him. Please, give the gift to another fan.”

“This is something only you can get.”

Realizing that she had no choice but to accept it, she reached her right hand out. Before she could see what the host was holding, a cuff was locked on her wrist.

“To prove that the surprise gift is real, we’ll be locking Mr. Li up with the lucky winner together for twenty-four hours. She’ll get the key once the time has passed,” the host announced.

“Wow!” the crowd gasped.

Li Zhan also reached his hand out, but his expression told everyone that the handcuff was a surprise to him as well.

It was too late for him to back out even if he wanted to.

“Let the twenty-four-hour countdown begin!”

From that second onward, the game would last for twenty-four hours until the handcuff was taken off.

Lin Xinyan thought they were only doing it as a form of advertising. She thought would be let free after the event had ended. As the event went on, the fans got even crazier. Some even asked Li Zhan to kiss the lucky winner.

Even Li Zhan thought they would unlock the cuff after that. When the event ended, he turned to ask the host, “Can we take this off now?”

Surprisingly, the host shook his head. “No. You two will have to wait a whole day.”

“Why didn’t you notify me about this beforehand?” Li Zhan got angry, not because he was cuffed up with Lin Xinyan, but because he hadn’t been told of it.

“It’s on the contract. Did you not read through it?”

Li Zhan immediately went silent. The host was right, he had not paid extra attention to the contract as it wasn’t a formal event.

In the end, the actor had no choice but to go with it. Lucky for him, he was acquainted with the woman who was cuffed to him.

As for Lin Xinyan, her head was in a complete mess. All she could think of was how she should explain the situation to Zong Jinghao, a man who had strong possessiveness.

“This is unacceptable! Please, unlock the cuff now.” Lin Xinyan could not accept it. How am I supposed to use the loo? Or the shower? Heck, people will think I’m a criminal or something!

She couldn’t not accept such an ordeal.


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