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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 592

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 592

Zhou Chunchun lived in a world where all fathers were the same. They were honorable men who would teach their children how to good people.

Gu Huixin sighed, wondering how to explain things to her daughter. How can I tell her that not all fathers were like hers, kind and willing to love a child with all his heart? That not all men had as strong a sense of justice as him?

Because of Zhou Chunchun, we were unable to conceive a second child. Sometimes, she would ask her husband if he had any regrets. Every single time, Zhou Huaihou would reply, “Do we not have a child already?”

That one sentence would effectively silence any doubts that she was having.

Take, for example, my own father. Old Master Gu was a man who favored males over females. He was willing to keep having children until he had a son. The way he treated his only son and his six older daughters was also vastly different. It was almost like only his son was truly his child, for all that he cared for them.

Every single one of his daughters had been sent off to various relatives ever since they were born. Even now, after they were grown, he did not pay them much attention. No, all his care and love has gone into his only son.

“Chunchun, after we get Yinning back, both of you should head for Baicheng. Don’t ever come back.” Gu Huixin did not have any high expectations for her daughter. She only wished that Zhou Chunchun were safe and healthy. This was the only child that Gu Huixin had conceived, with her husband. Although they were unable to leave her a vast fortune, the wealth that they did have was still enough for her to live a comfortable life.

Gu Huixin had retired early and had a monthly pension now. However, she was still young enough to work. Once Zhou Chunchun and Bai Yinning left for Baicheng, she would get another job. It should not be too hard since she was highly educated.

“I’ll go wherever Yinning decides to,” Zhou Chunchun answered. If he decides to stay, I’ll stay. If he wants to leave, I’ll go with him.

“Ma’am, Miss, we’ve arrived.” The car stopped before the villa’s gates.

Gu Huixin ordered, “Go and knock on the door.”

The chauffeur cut off the engines and got out of the car, doing as he was ordered.

Soon, the gates swung open and the maid asked who they were. The chauffeur informed her of Gu Huixin’s identity, which she then relayed to Gu Bei.

Gu Bei glanced at Bai Yinning and chuckled. “Your mother-in-law seems to be quite fond of you.”

Bai Yinning kept silent. Truthfully, both Gu Huixin and Zhou Huaihou treated him like family.

Guilt welled in him and he felt apologetic toward Gu Huixin. This incident had definitely worsened her relationship with Gu Bei.

Sticking his hands in his pockets, Gu Bei strolled out of the villa. Gu Huixin had Zhou Chunchun stay in the car while she stepped out to meet her brother.

“Where is he?” The first thing out of his mouth was a question regarding the whereabouts of Number Four. He did not even bother to greet his own sister.

“Where’s Yinning?” Gu Huixin asked back upon realizing that Bai Yinning was nowhere to be seen.

Gu Bei snickered. “Honestly, how could you? Are there no other men in this world? How could you have gotten Chunchun a cripple for a husband?”

Gu Huixin’s expression hardened and she retorted, “You don’t have to worry yourself over that.”

“Are you actually mad at me? I was merely expressing my concern.” Gu Bei did not feel like he had said anything wrong. Is Zhou Chunchun marrying a normal man not a good thing?

“You might not have been raised by our parents but you’re still a part of the Gu family. It should have been really easy to match Chunchun with a normal man. I don’t get what all of you see in that cripple.”

“That’s our business and you don’t need to concern yourself with it. Where’s Yinning?” They had chosen Bai Yinning because he really did treat their daughter well. Besides, Zhou Chunchun liked him too.

Those two reasons were more important than anything else. If not for his bad legs, he would have been the perfect man to Gu Huixin.

There was a saying that mothers-in-law usually liked their sons-in-law, the more they interacted with them. Gu Huixin was one such example.

From where she was sitting in the car, Zhou Chunchun had heard everything that Gu Bei had said. Her hands were clenched into tight fists in her anger. She hated it when people called Bai Yinning a cripple.

Not wanting to waste any more time with her brother, Gu Huixin demanded, “Just take away your man and return Yinning to us.”

Gu Bei walked toward the car and reached out to pull open the door. At the same time, Number Four wanted to get out of the vehicle. His fingers had only just brushed against the handle when the door suddenly swung open. Caught off guard and slowed by his severe injuries, Number Four tumbled out of the car. He landed in a sprawl before Gu Bei’s feet.

“Mr. Gu, you have to get revenge for me!” Number Four snagged the hem of Gu Bei’s pants like it was a lifeline.

Gu Bei’s brows were knitted deeply. He could hardly recognize Number Four. Su Zhan had not held back at all and even his face had not been spared. “How did you become like this?”

“I don’t know how I ended up with Zong Jinghao and the others. They’re not human, I tell you!” Number Four’s body trembled upon remembering the suffering and beatings that he had been through. His heart was still quaking in fear when he continued, “I’m lucky to even be alive. I was so close to dying! I-I…”

With that, Number Four burst into tears.

Gu Bei’s lips curled into disgust as he kicked at the bawling man. “You’re a f***ing man, act like one! What the hell is with the crying!”

Number Four instantly stopped crying, not daring to make a single peep.

Gu Bei was deeply troubled by Number Four’s words. How did he end up with Zong Jinghao? To think that I was just gloating earlier about how Zong Jinghao would never find him!

The more he thought about it, the angrier he got. All this happened because of this useless man!


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