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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 593

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 593

Number Four looked up at Bai Yinning, anger written all over his face. Anyone who wasn’t blind would be able to see the look of ferocity in his eyes.

Number Four knew that owning up would mean certain death for himself, so he had no choice but to deny it until the end. “No, they didn’t interrogate me at all. They beat me up because I was harassing that woman, who had turned out to be Su Zhan’s girlfriend or something.”

After Su Zhan finished beating him up, Number Four finally understood why he had exploded with rage. There was only one possible explanation for why Su Zhan cared about the girl so much— she was his girlfriend. That was probably why he thrashed Number Four within an inch of his life.

Number Four threw his arms around Gu Bei’s leg. “You have to believe me. That crazy loser is trying to sow discord between us. Don’t buy a single word he says.”

Gu Bei bent down and tilted Number Four’s chin upward. Narrowing his eyes, he asked, “Did they really not interrogate you?”

Number Four shook his head. “No, they didn’t. Even if they had, I wouldn’t have dared to tell them anything that could be used against you.”

“Hmph! If you dare to betray me, I’ll throw you into the sea, allowing the fishes to devour you!” Gu Bei spat bitterly. A shiver ran down Number Four’s spine.

Bai Yinning gazed silently at them. He didn’t seem perturbed that they had hit a sore spot of his. So many people had done it that he was quite used to it.

“I’ve handed the man over to you,” Bai Yinning uttered slowly. “Mr. Gu, shouldn’t you return my man to me as well?”

Gu Bei turned around to glance at him. Upon giving him an address, he ordered his subordinates to take Number Four to the hospital.

However, Bai Yinning didn’t leave immediately. Instead, he asked, “Mr. Gu, you didn’t harm my man, did you?”

Gu Bei stuck both of his hands into his trouser pockets and laughed shrilly. “He’s simply a nobody! Who cares if I’ve harmed him or not? If he didn’t try to talk back, I wouldn’t have harmed him either.”

They had been interrogating a man called Gao Yuan. Gu Bei had asked him where Number Four was, but Gao Yuan refused to answer him. When Gu Bei gave up and asked him if Bai Yinning and Zong Jinghao knew each other, Gao Yuan still refused to open his mouth, which infuriated Gu Bei to no end. In a fit of rage, he had beaten the man up.

Bai Yinning placed his hands on the armrests of his wheelchair as he brought his fingers together. Looking up at Gu Bei expressionlessly, he murmured quietly, “Gao Yuan is merely my aide. He doesn’t know anything about our feud or my dealings with Zong Jinghao. How could you have harmed him in such a manner?”

Gu Bei walked over to him and shot him a once-over. His haughty gaze landed on Bai Yinning’s paralyzed legs, upon which he burst into laughter. As quickly as it had appeared on his face, his smile soon vanished. “And what about it? Will you try to get revenge on me or something?”

“If you agree to apologize to Gao Yuan, I’ll let this matter blow over.” Bai Yinning ignored his mocking expression and replied.

“Haha! Who do you think you? Do you suppose that you have any right to order me to apologize to him?” Gu Bei’s tone toward Bai Yinning was extremely condescending. Bai Yinning might have been a big shot back in Baicheng, but he was a nobody in B City.

He waved his subordinates out impatiently as they left with Number Four to head to the hospital.

A cold look flashed in Bai Yinning’s eyes. He continued staring at Gu Bei without a word, before turning his wheelchair around and leaving.

He understood that none of his words would have swayed Gu Bei’s decision. He had to make known the conviction of his words through his actions.

With the help of the chauffeur, Bai Yinning managed to get into the car. He ordered the chauffeur to drive him to the place where they had imprisoned Gao Yuan.

Bai Yinning didn’t look very happy. Zhou Chunchun, who was seated next to him, took his hand as she attempted to soothe him. “We’ll be okay. Let’s head back to Baicheng tonight.”

She didn’t want to remain here any longer. She was afraid that something else was going to happen.

Bai Yinning smiled blandly as he extended a hand to caress her face. “Why are you so eager to leave? What about your parents? Won’t you miss them if we leave?”

“If I miss them, I can just drop by B City to visit them whenever I like. They can come and visit me in Baicheng too.” Zhou Chunchun felt a strange sense of foreboding. She wanted to leave this city as quickly as she could. “It’s my mother’s wish as well. She wants us to leave for Baicheng as soon as possible.”

Bai Yinning turned to look at Mrs. Zhou.

“Hear me out, Yinning,” Mrs. Zhou tried to reason with him. “This city is a lawless place. Take Chunchun and go back to Baicheng. I’ll visit you guys with Chunchun’s father when I come to miss the both of you.”

After all, B City wasn’t very far away from Baicheng. Besides, the transportation system was getting increasingly advanced, which would shorten the travelling time between the two cities.

“That isn’t urgent now. I want to stay here and get closer to you guys first.” Bai Yinning smiled, refusing to reveal his true thoughts to them.

Mrs. Zhou wondered if he was holding a grudge against them for this incident. Tremulously, she turned to her daughter and whispered, “Well, I must admit that we were the ones who had lost Gao Yuan in the first instance. He’s right to feel angry at us. Now that everything is fine again, let’s just pretend that nothing happened in the first place.”

Mrs. Zhou did not dare to enquire about Bai Yinning and Zong Jinghao’s relationship in front of her own daughter.

If they hadn’t known each other, why would Bai Yinning have handed Gu Bei’s man over to Zong Jinghao?


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