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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 612

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 612

Shen Peichuan pursed his lips and didn’t know how to respond. Despite her young age, she was kind and very thoughtful. It was just that fate had been cruel to her.

Sang Yu tilted her head and looked at him, “Why are you upset?”

She could sense that he was disturbed. This was the first time she saw such an expression after getting to know him.

Yet, Shen Peichuan didn’t say anything.

After settling into her seat, Sang Yu didn’t ask him anything further. She thought to herself that he was also human and must have his own problems too. It would be rude of her to babble away incessantly.

Perhaps he wants some peace.

Along the way, they remained silent. As a matter of fact, Shen Peichuan was struggling to think of a way to break the news about her mother to her. On the other hand, Sang Yu assumed something else was weighing on his mind.

When they arrived at the police station, Shen Peichuan had his men go ahead while he spoke to Sang Yu in private.

They alighted from the car, leaving Shen Peichuan and Sang Yu inside.

“What did you want to tell me?” Sang Yu felt something was amiss as Shen Peichuan usually wasn’t this undecisive.

He looks really unhappy today. Is something bothering him? Suddenly an idea flashed across her mind.

“Mr. Shen?” Sang Yu laughed. She tried to cheer him up by teasing him. “You’re already so old. Why are you acting young by being emotional?”

Shen Peichuan looked up at her. She grew up under such unfortunate circumstances and yet didn’t give up. Moreover, she didn’t lose the zest for life too. In fact, she studies hard and gets herself into a good university. At the same time, she took care of her mother, who was serving her sentence.

He reached out to stroke her on her head. There wasn’t any particular meaning behind it. He just wanted to console her as he sympathized with her circumstances.

Stunned, Sang Yu’s body froze. She never expected him to touch her.

After all, he was someone principled and was always conservative when it came to the opposite gender.

Why would he…

“Are…” Sang Yu stuttered, “Are you alright?”

“Your mother, she…”

“What about her?” Sang Yu blinked. Despite being in prison, her mother was in good health. What could happen to her?

Therefore, Sang Yu wasn’t prepared for the worst.

“Why aren’t you saying anything? Does she want to see me? I haven’t seen her in the last few days and didn’t hear anything about her sentence being shortened. So what’s going on?” Sang Yu pressed on with her questions.

“She fell sick suddenly… and had passed on.”

Sang Yu’s face turned ashen the very next instant. She couldn’t believe her ears and felt as if she were struck by lightning. And after that, it felt like someone had splashed her with a bucket of ice water, causing her whole body to feel numb. She looked at him bewildered. “Wh-wh-what did you say?”

Shen Peichuan repeated himself, “Your mom has passed away.”

“You’re lying!” she interrupted him abruptly. “I just saw her a few days ago, and she was still doing fine. How is it possible that she’s dead?”

This isn’t real. Am I dreaming?

Yes, it has to be a dream. My mom must be missing me, so she’s telling me through my dream to visit her.

That has to be it.

“I’ll visit her tomorrow.” She repeated those words incessantly. While doing so, she opened the car door and got down. Shen Peichuan quickly followed and grabbed her by the arm. “You have to calm down.”

“How could I possibly do that?” Her mom was the only one she had left. And he had just told her she lost her last remaining family member.

There was no way she could accept it.

“You’re lying to me, right?” Her eyes were swollen red while her limbs were all trembling, not knowing where to grasp for support.

Shen Peichuan replied coldly, “No, I’m not lying. It’s true.”

Sang Yu burst into tears and then laughed before wailing again, just like a madwoman.


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