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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 613

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 613

Both men exchanged glances and rushed in, thinking that she might have done something impulsive. Inside, they found her unconscious on the ground.

Shen Peichuan did a quick check on her and was relieved to find that she didn’t try to commit suicide. Instead, she had fainted from the emotional turmoil.

As he carried her up and walked out, he turned towards his colleague and instructed, “I’m taking her to the hospital. Call me if there’s anything at the station.”

The man grunted in acknowledgment.

After carrying her out of the police station, he placed her in the backseat of his car. Then, he got into the driver’s seat and drove.

Along the way, Sang Yu woke up and noticed where she was. In a weak and broken voice, she asked, “Where are you taking me?”

Sang Yu turned around and replied, “To the hospital.”

“I’m fine. I don’t need to go there.” She tried to support herself to sit up. Stopping the car by the side, Shen Peichuan turned around and looked at her. He asked, “Where would you like to go then?”

Sang Yu was caught by surprise. Other than her university, she had nowhere else to go. Suddenly, she realized that she had nothing left. Despite her best efforts at living her life, life was just not making it any easier for her.

Even the last member of her family was taken away.

“I think I must have been an evil person in my last life and hurt a lot of people. Hence, in this life, karma is punishing me for it. Or else, why would God be so cruel to me?” she mumbled as tears streaked down her cheeks.

Shen Peichuan wasn’t good at consoling. “Don’t think that way.”

Hugging her knees, Sang Yu curled into a ball. “If that wasn’t the case, then tell me, why would God treat me this way?”

“There are still a lot of people who have it worse than you. You got yourself into a good university and will have a bright future,” Shen Peichuan comforted her.

Staring blankly into space, Sang Yu snorted. “But that doesn’t mean anything anymore. The reason I wanted a good job after I graduate was so that I can earn a lot. With the money, I can provide my mom a good life. But now? Who am I to provide for?”

Shen Peichuan pursed his lips.

It’s natural to feel lonely when one is alone. However, one must strive hard to live.

We only have one life. No matter what, we cannot give up.

“If you have no place to go, I’ll take you to my place. I’ll bring you back here once you have calmed down.” Shen Peichuan was worried that she might do something rash. Hence, it was better for him to bring her home. At least he could watch over her and prevent anything untoward from happening.

“I don’t want to,” Sang Yu refused him because she only wanted to be alone. The next moment, she opened the car door and got down.

Shen Peichuan followed, “Where are you going?”

“I want to be alone, so don’t follow me.” Sang Yu wanted to leave quickly as she was worried Shen Peichuan would stop her. However, she didn’t see where she was going and missed a step. In a blink of an eye, Shen Peichuan grabbed her arm just when she was about to fall. Before he could say anything, the phone in his pocket rang.

He took out his phone and answered. It was Captain Song who called and wanted to see him.

He glanced at Sang Yu and said, “I just went out…”

“Turn around and head back here right now.” Captain Song’s voice was resolute.

Shen Peichuan had no choice but to return. “I’ll be there in ten minutes.”

A grunt was heard at the other end of the line before the call ended. Worried about what would happen to Sang Yu if she were alone, he decided to bring her along. “Let go back to the station for the time being, and we’ll leave later.”

“I’m not going,” Sang Yu refused him again.

Shen Peichuan patiently asked her, “Where are you heading to?”

He was met with silence because she really didn’t have anywhere else to go.


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