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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 622

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 622

The look in Zong Jinghao’s eyes grew cold as he realized what Gu Bei had done. “Is that so?”

“Is it not? I mean, look at what has happened to the great Number Four, Shen Peichuan!” Gu Bei sneered. “If you beg me right now, I might be merciful enough to let him go. How about that?”

He started cackling like a madman as he continued, “Go on, say you’re sorry. Beg me to forgive you!”

A look of hatred flashed past in Zong Jinghao’s eyes, but he quickly regained his cool. “I’m afraid you’re in for a disappointment, Mr. Gu.”

“Do you not realize the situation you’re now in?”

“I haven’t got a clue. Mind explaining it to me again, Mr. Gu?” Zong Jinghao asked casually, unfazed by the man’s taunts in the slightest.

Gu Bei exploded with anger. “How dare you take that attitude with me, Zong Jinghao? You may be wealthier, but I’m far superior in terms of power!”

“Are you sure about that?” Zong Jinghao smiled, sending a shiver down Gu Bei’s spine.

Damn that sinister smile of his! Does he have a secret weapon or something? No, that can’t be… Shen Peichuan is his only strongest ally, and I’ve already gotten him out of the picture. Zong Jinghao isn’t close with the Wen family, so I don’t have to worry about them either. Even if he were, there’s no way Wen Qing would help him now that his own reputation has gone down the drain! There’s Su Zhan, but he poses no threat to me at all! I’ve got my dad and my sisters on my side! They’ve got powerful friends all over the country, so I’m definitely the more powerful one here!

Gu Bei regained his confidence at the thought of that.

“Your bluffs don’t work on me!”

Zong Jinghao maintained that smile of his as he questioned, “Do you know what makes us so different?”


“You indeed have a wide range of connections, but you’re forgetting something really important. Those in the light are incredibly vulnerable to attacks from those in the shadows. You may have done something to Peichuan, but, you don’t know who I have on my side.”

It was obvious that there was more to Zong Jinghao than he was letting on. Gu Bei’s confidence wavered when he realized that. “W-What do you mean?”

“You can’t understand such a simple concept?”

Gu Bei was an impatient person, to begin with, so it didn’t take much effort for Zong Jinghao to get under his skin.

“So you’re basically implying that you have more connections than I do?” Gu Bei wasn’t entirely convinced as he couldn’t tell if Zong Jinghao was bluffing. “Even if what you say is true, you haven’t won just yet!”

The man then stormed out of the office and bumped into Su Zhan and Shen Peichuan at the door.

“Oh? If it isn’t Mr. Gu…” Su Zhan eyed him from head to toe and sneered, “What’s with that look on your face? Did your dad die or something?”

Gu Bei grabbed Su Zhan by the collar and shouted at him, “You got a death wish, asshole?”

“So what if I do? You’re on our turf now!” Su Zhan alluded with a chuckle.

Gu Bei had come alone, so starting a fight would only end badly for him. In the end, he had no choice but to let go of Su Zhan.

“I’ll get you for this! Just you wait!”

Su Zhan dusted his clothes off and shouted back at him, “Sure, I’ll be waiting! Make sure to give me all you’ve got!”

The two of them stared each other down as if they were having an epic battle with their eyes.

“Shen Peichuan!” Gu Bei sneered and strolled right out the door.

Su Zhan was confused. Why would Gu Bei call out his name? Is he out of his mind?


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