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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 623

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 623

“Who does Gu Bei think he is? Without his powerful father, he’s nothing! Ugh, seeing that smug attitude of his makes my blood boil!” Su Zhan cursed angrily.

Although Zong Jinghao had told them to head back, Shen Peichuan realized he didn’t have anywhere to hang out now that he was suspended from work.

“How about you come by my place?” Su Zhan wrapped an arm around his neck.

“No, thanks. If you’re that free, how about getting yourself something to do instead of having sex all the time?” Shen Peichuan shot back at him.

Su Zhan clicked his tongue. “I don’t make any less than you do, so what’s wrong with me spending my time however I want? Besides, I’ve found the secret of life!”

“Oh? And what’s that?” Shen Peichuan asked.

“Tell me, why do we work?”

“To live, of course,” Shen Peichuan replied.

“What do we need in life?” Su Zhan asked.

“Water, fire…”

Pffft… Su Zhan nearly spat out his water. “Man, are you an idiot or something? Stuff like water and fire is what we need to survive, not to live. To live a great life, we need a successful career and a soulmate. We only have the former, so it only makes sense for me to look for the latter!”

Shen Peichuan rolled his eyes. “Well, I don’t have either right now, so I’m just going to focus on staying alive.”

He walked out of the office after saying that.

Zong Jinghao had left a while ago, so it was about time for the two of them to leave as well.

“How about I go to the university with you? We can go see your little girlfriend together!” Su Zhan suggested while running after him.

Shen Peichuan felt a sting in his heart upon hearing those words.

“Stop following me. I want some time alone.”

“No way! I have to stick with you in case you get all depressed and kill yourself!” Su Zhan insisted.

“I’ll kill you if you don’t cut it out!” Shen Peichuan walked the other way to put some distance between them, but Su Zhan simply continued following him. “What’s the matter with you? Why are you acting so heartbroken?”

Shen Peichuan shot him a glare and began hailing a taxi by the roadside.

“Hey, where are you going?” Su Zhan felt something was off about him. “Zong Jinghao said he has a plan, so why are you still depressed?”

Shen Peichuan kept his head low. “Sang Yu’s gone.”

Su Zhan was confused. “But she hasn’t even graduated from university! Where could she go?”

“I don’t know,” Shen Peichuan replied.

That made Su Zhan even more confused. “What could possibly make her give up on her education?”

Shen Peichuan told him about what had happened to Sang Yu’s mother, hoping that doing so would make him feel a little better.

Su Zhan eyed him cautiously. “Is that why you’ve been down in the dumps? It’s because she left?”

A taxi pulled up next to them, and Su Zhan followed him into the car. “Hey, I asked you a question!”

“I don’t know,” Shen Peichuan answered impatiently.


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