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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 626

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 626

“I believe most people don’t know about Ning County because of how poor it is. Fifteen years ago, the government sent a group of officials over for inspection. In order to pass the inspection, the county magistrate asked a team of craftsmen to build a school as we didn’t have one at the time.

The kids in the village would gather at the house of an educated girl, and she would teach us everything she knew. We didn’t have textbooks and blackboards either, so we could only listen while she spoke.

It’s impossible to build a school in such a short timeframe, so nobody was willing to do it. They feared it would be dangerous for their children who would be attending that school. However, the officials didn’t care about that… They would barge into the homes of those who refused to comply and harass or beat them up.

Having no other choice, the craftsmen did as told. The materials provided were of terrible quality, and the building collapsed halfway through construction. My father died along with four other craftsmen in that accident.”

“Shouldn’t there be funding for the construction of schools?” the reporter asked.

“The money probably went into that man’s pockets,” the girl said with a cruel smile.

She had phrased it vaguely, but it was straightforward enough to be understood by everyone.

“How was this incident resolved back then? Did the investigators not escalate the incident?”

“No, they kept it hidden from the press and covered it up with lies.”

At that point, the public had heard enough to figure out what it was all about.

“How were the deceased compensated?”

An old villager stepped forward and declared, “There was no compensation! Not only that, but they also threatened us into silence! Anyone who dared speak up about it would have their houses demolished!”

The reporter couldn’t believe what she had just heard. This is outrageous!

The rural nature of the village combined with the lack of advanced technology back then made it extremely easy to cover up such incidents.

The villager began crying as she spoke, “My only son was killed in that accident… When we demanded an explanation from them, they beat us up and threatened us!”

She then rolled up her sleeves to reveal a huge scar on her arm. “See this? This was from a shovel they beat me up with!”

The wound had completely healed, but the lack of proper medical treatment resulted in a nasty scar being formed.

“We’re family members of the deceased! All we ask is for the people responsible to be brought to justice!” The old lady wiped her tears with her wrinkled and callous hands.

With such huge media coverage, the incident was quickly spread all over the news.

The netizens, too, began spreading the word online and digging up information on the official in charge of the inspection.

Everyone wanted to find out who had done such a horrible thing.

With how advanced internet technology was, stopping the spread of information proved impossible.

The identity of the investigators, as well as the officials, was soon exposed. The netizens unleashed their wrath in the comment sections.

Why don’t these people just die? They’re practically the devil in the flesh!

How on earth did they even get to where they are today?

Someone replied to that comment: By being devoid of conscience, that’s how!


The readers' comments on the novel: Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan)