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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 627

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 627

“Kindness? What kindness? Tell me,” the second daughter of the Gu family said bluntly. “A kind person wouldn’t do such a thing!”

Gu Bei was infuriated, but he didn’t know how to counter his sister’s statement.

After a while, he found the words to rebut her, “You are our father’s daughter, after all. You have an obligation to him.”

His sister snorted, “What obligation? Am I obligated to protect someone who doesn’t have a conscience?”

Mrs. Gu slammed her hand down on the table. “How dare you speak in such a rude manner! This is your father we’re talking about!”

The second daughter turned towards her mother and sneered, “Yes, he is my father, but has he shown me any love and care? All these years, I have never experienced any fatherly love from him, nor have I experienced any warmth from my family.”

Mrs. Gu was at a loss for words. Indeed, she and her husband had never really treated her as their daughter. After having a girl as their firstborn, they had wanted a boy as their second child. So when their second born turned out to be a girl again, they gave her away to Mrs. Gu’s brother.

Life as an adopted child wasn’t great for the second daughter.

“I couldn’t be bothered anymore. If you wish to recognize me as your daughter, go ahead. Otherwise, treat me as if you never gave birth to me at all. After all, you have never been involved in raising me,” the second daughter snapped and left in a fit of rage.

As she walked towards the door, she stopped to look at her younger sisters, who were sitting in the living room. “I won’t stop you if you want to get involved. If you wish to acknowledge me as your older sister, address me as sis when we meet. We can still be sisters then. If you do not wish to, then so be it. Consider us strangers who do not know each other. I don’t care anymore.”

“Sis…” one of her younger sisters tried to console her.

“Don’t bother. Even though we’re biological sisters who were conceived in the same womb, we cannot force each other to change our thoughts and actions. I’ve made myself clear. Those who do not recognize me as their sister can treat me as a stranger. We can act as if we don’t know each other when we meet,” the second daughter interrupted the fifth daughter.

Right after that, she walked away with determination.

That very moment, Gu Huixin stood up and said, “Huaihou is well-known in the community for being a righteous man, so I won’t comment much on right or wrong as this involves my father. I know Huaihou definitely won’t get involved in this matter, and I can’t be of much help either.”

“Huixin, do you not care about Dad anymore?” the oldest daughter of the Gu family looked at her in disappointment.

Gu Huixin answered collectedly, “It’s not that I don’t care. I just can’t handle all of this. What do you expect me to do?”

The oldest daughter didn’t know how to respond as Zhou Huaihou was indeed well-known for being a righteous person.

The public would definitely be scrutinizing every move the Gu family makes after the uncovering of this incident. Even the tiniest action might be criticized.

Besides, it was natural for the children who had been raised by their biological parents to act more favorably towards them compared to children who had been given away for adoption.

The oldest daughter wanted to solve this matter as soon as possible, fearing that her father might end up in prison.

“All these years, Huaihou and I have always maintained an upright reputation. We only have one daughter, and he loves both of us to bits. I would never do anything that would put him in a difficult position. I hope you and Mom understand,” Gu Huixin clarified her stance that she wouldn’t throw her husband under the bus for the sake of her father.

“You ungrateful b*tch! You don’t even care for our father’s safety!” Gu Bei flipped the table in front of him.

His sisters stared at him in distress.

“How could you say such a thing?” his fourth sister shouted.


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