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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 628

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 628

The parcel did not contain the sender’s name.

Inside the parcel was a piece of crucial information and a USB drive containing a video. The video showed Gu Bei at the beach instructing several men to dispose of Number Four’s body into the sea. It was clearly an incriminating piece of evidence.

Just as Bai Yinning was in the midst of investigating Gu Bei, he somehow received evidence of Gu Bei’s crime at his doorstep.

He could not figure out who had sent the parcel to him even after racking his brains for a long time.

His first instinct was to rule out Zong Jinghao since the man evidently did not want to meet with him.

However, it was indeed Zong Jinghao who had sent him the parcel.

Although Zong Jinghao did not have a liking for Bai Yinning, the former decided that it was an advantageous time to make use of the man.

After all, one of Zong Jinghao’s common practices was to use others to achieve his end goals.

He did not view the enemy of his enemy as his friend, but he could certainly use that person as a tool.

He knew very well that Bai Yinning wouldn’t hold back after suffering at the hands of Gu Bei.

If Gu Bei struck one of his men, he wouldn’t hold back either.

Even though now wasn’t the best time to strike back, he was still going to do it, just like how Gu Bei had framed Shen Peichuan in the past.

Now that Old Master Gu’s past actions were revealed, it would be difficult for him to escape the law since all eyes were on him.

If the evidence of Gu Bei’s crimes were exposed at this moment, it would be adding fuel to the fire.

Zong Jinghao believed Bai Yinning would be smart enough to know what to do next.

If things went as planned, Bai Yinning would be curious to know who sent him the parcel, and he would not pass up on such a good opportunity to take revenge on Gu Bei.

The man would definitely strike while the iron was hot.

After laying eyes on the evidence, Bai Yinning did not look for the person who sent the parcel. Instead, he went searching for the several men in the video.

He was prepared to interrogate them using various means until they were willing to confess, and he planned to record their confession just in case they pleaded innocence during trial.

After gathering sufficient evidence, Bai Yinning set out on his search for the person who had sent him the parcel.

Who would dare rat Gu Bei out so easily? This is indeed the perfect time to add fuel to the fire.

Politics and the marketplace were similar in the sense that they were both battlefields without guns. People were all fighting for their own self-interests.

The day after Old Master Gu’s scandal was exposed, the Prosecutors’ Office immediately detained Gu Bei.

Major news outlets received word of this supposedly confidential matter and rushed to Gu Bei’s house, hoping to get some pictures of him being arrested.

If what happened that day was shocking, today’s incident was even more mind-boggling.

Since the public was already speculating whether Gu Bei committed any immoral deeds as his father did, it was an opportune time for Bai Yinning to expose the video of Gu Bei dumping a dead body into the ocean.

After all, things had already developed to an irreversible point at this stage.

The person in charge of investigating Gu Bei’s case issued a statement saying that investigations will only commence after a report is received.

At the same time, the authenticity of the video was yet to be verified, leaving the public in further speculation.

Since the Internet was very advanced these days, news about Gu Bei would easily spread like wildfire, and most people would believe what they see rather than process facts rationally.

So, just like that, a biased narrative of Gu Bei emerged on the Internet.

Disparaging comments surfaced as netizens condemned both Old Master Gu and Gu Bei.

A comment which received five hundred thousand likes stated: Like father, like son. Gu Bei is definitely crooked like his father.

Another user commented: Evil runs in their bloodline. Such people should be castrated to prevent their genes from being passed on to the next generation.

And someone replied to that comment: You’re absolutely right.

That thread was followed with dozens of other comments: He should be the one dumped into the ocean and fed to the sharks.


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