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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 676

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 676

Shen Peichuan wasn’t used to the blinding light just yet, so he closed his eyes again. He tried a couple of times before he finally woke up. He recalled how he fell into the river and got knocked out by a boat. He was hit in the head again after that.

After some time, Shen Peichuan moved around and struggled to get up. He finally figured out where he was, but he remembered how the man was worried about being held responsible for knocking Shen Peichuan out in the river. That was why he hit me with a wooden plank. Why would he take me to the hospital after that? It doesn’t make sense…

Shen Peichuan was about to move his leg when he realized that something was on it. He tilted his head and saw a familiar face right in front of him.

Sang Yu? What is she doing here?

Shen Peichuan thought that his heartbeat had quickened because he was surprised by her sudden appearance.

In the meantime, Sang Yu gradually woke up. The first thing she saw was Shen Peichuan staring at her. She rubbed her eyes and spoke in a delighted tone, “You’re awake!”

Shen Peichuan stared for a long time before he asked, “W-what are you doing here?”

“You fainted, and one of my students saw you. I took you to the hospital after that. Also, I should be the one asking that question. What are you doing here?” asked Sang Yu as she sat up. She massaged her numb arm before adding, “Does your head still hurt? Are you hungry?”

However, Shen Peichuan didn’t say anything. He simply stared at her before ignoring her question and demanded, “Why did you drop out of school?”

Sang Yu avoided his eyes and answered, “I just don’t feel like continuing my studies.”

At first, she worked hard for her mother’s sake and to be a woman worthy of Shen Peichuan. However, her mother later passed away, and Captain Song’s words made her realize that it didn’t matter how hard she worked. She would never be capable enough to help Shen Peichuan.

At that point, Sang Yu no longer knew what she was fighting for. She lost all sense of purpose, and her life felt meaningless.

She was in a daze for a while, but she later realized that she didn’t want everything she had learned to go to waste. Hence, she went to the village to be a teacher. She taught for free, and she didn’t have much savings, to begin with, so she worked online as well. She tutored high school students via an online platform, and the money she earned from those tutoring sessions was used to buy books and materials for her students in the village. She also used the money to pay for her daily necessities.

She didn’t have much, but she was good at accounting and had a habit of spending frugally. Moreover, she had little expenses since she was living in a small village, so she could even save up some money by teaching a few more classes online.

“It’s such a pity. You got accepted into a great university, but you’re dropping out just like that,” commented Shen Peichuan. He couldn’t understand her train of thought.

Sang Yu grinned and pointed out, “You’re not my guardian, so don’t worry about it. How have you been?”

Sang Yu changed her number and cut off all contact with her friends after she left B City.

She thought that she should make a clean break since she had already decided to leave.

Thus, she honestly assumed that she would never see him again.

“Can I…”

“Sang Yu,” said Wang Wen as he walked in with breakfast.

Wang Wen was twenty-one years old. He was in his second year in college and was tall and cute. He had a simple white t-shirt on, and his fair skin shone with radiance and youth.

Shen Peichuan was about to ask to borrow Sang Yu’s mobile phone to call Zong Jinghao and warn him. However, Wang Wen interrupted the duo, and Shen Peichuan forgot all about it.

Shen Peichuan watched as Wang Wen grinned warmly and handed the breakfast over to Sang Yu. Countless questions bubbled up in Shen Peichuan’s mind.

And who is this guy?

“What brings you here so early in the morning?” asked Sang Yu. She never expected to see him in the hospital that early. How early did he have to wake up to travel all the way over from the village and reach the hospital this early in the morning?

Wang Wen teased, “Let me guess. You haven’t eaten anything since yesterday. Did I get it right?”

Sang Yu remained silent.

“Haha, you kept quiet! That means I guessed right. I knew you wouldn’t eat on time, so I got up early to get you some breakfast,” said Wang Wen while placing the breakfast on the table. He later noticed that Shen Peichuan was up, so he added, “Hello.”

Shen Peichuan murmured a reply.


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