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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 677

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 677

Wang Wen was taken aback.What is this guy’s relationship with Sang Yu? He even met her mother?

Sang Yu had never spoken about her past for as long as Wang Wen had known her. Every time he asked, she would simply say that she no longer had any living relatives before brushing it off. She never even mentioned how she lost them, and she never shared anything specific.

Looks like Shen Peichuan knows all about her past.Still, they may be close, but they are not of the same age group. I’m probably overthinking about their relationship. Besides, if the guy knew Sang Yu’s mother, then he must know a lot about her past as well. I may be able to learn more from him.

“You’re Sang Yu’s friend, so it is understandable that you’d want to see how she’s doing. However, the doctor asked you to stay put for forty-eight hours, so you shouldn’t leave just yet,” said Wang Wen.

“I’m fine. As I said, I know what my body can handle,” replied Shen Peichuan. He never intended to ask Sang Yu about her take on the matter before he made a decision.

Sang Yu turned to Wang Wen, then to Shen Peichuan. “What are you boys doing?” asked Sang Yu.

“He’s your friend. There’s nothing wrong with him checking your place out and making sure you’re alright,” answered Wang Wen.

“He is my friend, but…” Sang Yu trailed off. It was obvious that she didn’t want Shen Peichuan to barge into her life again.I don’t want to go through that again. It’s awkward enough as it is.

Sang Yu wouldn’t mind if she had never written that letter and confessed her love for him. Unfortunately, she did, and they were stuck in an awkward situation.How am I going to face him?

“What? Am I not allowed to go check your place out? Take me over,” insisted Shen Peichuan while standing up.

Sang Yu didn’t move a muscle, so Wang Wen nudged her and urged, “Let’s go.”

Sang Yu was reluctant. She turned to Shen Peichuan and pointed out, “You are not family, and you have no right to check out my living condition. Besides, don’t use my late mother as an excuse. She’s gone, so you no longer need to keep your promise to her. Also, you should head back immediately if you’re fine. There are many who must be worried sick about you.”

After saying her piece, she tugged at Wang Wen’s hand and added, “Let’s go.”

Wang Wen’s mind blew when he saw her holding his hand. He forgot all about how he should react or if he should move away like a gentleman. His heart was thumping like mad.

In the meantime, Shen Peichuan just stood there in shock. It seemed that he never expected Sang Yu to turn him down like that.

He watched as she disappeared behind the door, and for a moment there, he lost sight of what he should do or where he should go.

Sang Yu let Wang Wen go after they walked out the door. She walked ahead while Wang Wen stared at the hand that was holding hers a moment ago. He clutched his fist with determination burning in his eyes before chasing after her. “Sang Yu, why do you hate him so much?” asked Wang Wen.

Sang Yu paused and turned around. “I never said I hate him,” refuted Sang Yu.

“If you don’t, why did you abandon him in the hospital before he recovered?” asked Wang Wen.

Sang Yu was shocked back to her senses.He’s right! Shen Peichuan hasn’t recovered. How can I leave him all alone in there?


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