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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 829

By the time Su Zhan arrived, Aunt Ji was still anxiously asking passersby if they had seen Grandma Su. Grandma Su was in her care when this happened, so she was afraid to the point of tearing up thinking about the consequences.

“You’re done here?” Su Zhan said after he hurried over.

“Yes. I can’t find her. How can she disappear just like that? She can’t even walk properly.” Aunt Ji was stressed out.

“How long has it been?” Su Zhan asked.

“It hasn’t been an hour.” Aunt Ji contacted Su Zhan without much delay, so it had not been long.

Since they could only file a missing person case after twenty-four hours, Su Zhan decided to split up. “You go back to the house. Call if you find her,”

“Okay. I’ll go back right away,” Aunt Ji replied.

Su Zhan was more composed. After he gave out the order, he went to the maintenance staff. Since the park was a neighborhood property, there were security cameras everywhere.

The staffs were very helpful when they heard that someone went missing. It was not hard since they had a rough estimate of when it happened.

Soon after, Grandma Su was on the screen.

When Aunt Ji was at the stall, Grandma Su wheeled herself out of the park. With that, they know that she was not in the park. Su Zhan immediately headed out with some staff following behind.

“Let’s split up.” Su Zhan commanded. “She’s in a wheelchair, so she shouldn’t be far.”

The four of them quickly split up and started searching.

An hour had passed with no news on Grandma Su’s whereabouts. “Did the grandma go somewhere? She wouldn’t have just left the park without a reason right?” Commented one of the staff.

Su Zhan figured what he said was right. She must’ve gone somewhere, but where? She hardly interacts with anyone outside and even the relatives have cut ties.

Without an idea of where to go, Su Zhan decided to try his luck and headed to the area they used to live in before he graduated. They moved into the current neighborhood after he became a lawyer and earned a small fortune.

The place was run down with only a few residents. Clothes were hung everywhere and were highly unhygienic.

Su Zhan saw no one at the house so he asked around with the picture of Grandma Su on his phone, hoping someone would have seen her. But no one did.

After he made sure she was not there, Su Zhan got in the car. At that point, he started feeling anxious. Where could she be?

On his way back to the park, Su Zhan passed by the abandoned school that he used to attend and caught a glimpse of someone at the gate. Grandma!

Su Zhan stopped the car and looked back. After he confirmed that it was her, he quickly got out and went to her.

“Why did you come here?” Su Zhan was relieved that he found her but there was still some anger in him because she made everyone worried by going missing.

Grandma Su turned around and smiled. “Is school done? I’m here to pick you up.”

“What are you talking about?” Su Zhan said as his forehead creased. We left this area so long ago.


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