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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 830

Grandma Su was as stubborn as ever and insisted that she was not going to the hospital. Su Zhan did not want to force her in case she gets too unnerved, she was old after all.

Therefore, he took the liberty of calling a doctor over to check on her while Grandma Su was asleep.

Su Zhan described what happened to the doctor, and from what he heard, the doctor had deduced that those were symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. “This is just a preliminary diagnosis,” the doctor said. “You still need to head over to the hospital to get a confirmation. From what you say, things look quite serious, so please visit the hospital as soon as possible.

“Okay,” Su Zhan replied.

When Grandma Su woke up, Su Zhan told her that he was not feeling well and wanted her to come with him to the hospital. Hearing that, Grandma Su immediately went along.

After some tests, it was confirmed that Grandma Su had Alzheimer’s disease, also known as dementia by some.

“Elders that have this disease lose their ability to recall and manage their memories. Symptoms may include anxiety, aggressiveness, illusions as well as hallucinations. We can only control it with medication as there’s no cure for this. Just talk to her more and don’t let her feel lonely,” the doctor explained.

Su Zhan nodded in response, “I understand.”

“Good to know.” The doctor looked through the medical record. “Whenever this happens, it usually involves the elder’s mental health, but of course old age plays a big part too. From your description, she was fine until recently. For her to get to this stage in such a short time, her mind must have gone through some substantial stress. Please be careful and take care of her feelings.”

“Okay,” Su Zhan replied.

After that, the doctor prescribed some medicine for them. Aunt Ji was sent to collect them while Su Zhan accompanied his grandmother.

“Are you sick?” Grandma Su asked.

“No.” He looked at her. “I’m fine.”

“Okay, that’s great news,” she said while expressing her relief.

Looking at Grandma Su, Su Zhan felt a sense of helplessness slowly creeping up on him. “Let’s go home.”

Grandma Su smile. “Okay”

When they reached the house, Grandma Su asked Aunt Ji to cook some pork ribs as she knew it was Su Zhan’s favorite.

Aunt Ji looked at Su Zhan and got a nod before she answered, “Yes, Madam.”

With his grandmother like this, Su Zhan had to put aside a lot of work to spend time with her, but the client wanted to see him.

Su Zhan decided to go for a brief meeting with the client, so he asked Aunt Ji to look after Grandma Su. “Don’t go out if you don’t need to.”

“Yes sir,” Aunt Ji replied.

The meeting was at a café. The client was already there when Su Zhan arrived, so he immediately walked towards her and sat facing her.

“Drinks?” The client asked.


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