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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 831

Su Zhan stared at the phone for quite a while, he was imagining that it would be a message to express Qin Ya’s longing for him and not a message about their divorce.

It was unnerving.

He took a moment to brace himself before he unlocked the screen and opened the message.

I’m dropping by tomorrow. Please get the divorce agreement ready.

Looking at that one line, Su Zhan’s heart sank. He did not put much thought into his reply. Are you sure about this?

What he wanted to say was, That’s a quick decision.

Su Zhan knew he should not have asked, but he could not stop himself because he was upset.

The phone never rang since then. Qin Ya did not reply.

There was no need for her to reply since the message itself was a form of confirmation that Qin Ya had made up her mind.

Su Zhan looked at her number in his contacts. He wanted to call her to ask how Qin Ya was able to readjust so quickly. To ask whether it was because of someone. However, he held it in after thinking about the misery she went through.

Su Zhan leaned back on the seat and closed his eyes.

After he calmed down, he picked up the phone again and wrote, It’s done.

Before he started driving, he sent the message out and tossed his phone to the side. Once Su Zhan reached home, he heard things breaking in the house. He opened the door to see Grandma Su bellowing at Aunt Ji, “Why can’t I go out? Who are you to stop me?”

Su Zhan hurried over and told Aunt Ji, “Please don’t be angry at her.”

“I know,” Aunt Ji replied. “It’s fine.”

“Go, leave her to me,” Su Zhan said.

Aunt Ji proceeded to turn around and left.

“Su Zhan, she didn’t let me go out,” Grandma Su complained to Su Zhan. “Get rid of her.”

“Why did you want to go out?” Su Zhan asked as he sat on the sofa.

“I…” She had a confused expression. Why did I want to go out again? I don’t remember.

“Aunt Ji stopped you for your own good,” Su Zhan comforted. “There are bad people out there, so she was worried about your safety. Don’t blame her, I asked her to do it.”

“Why would there be bad people in broad daylight?” Grandma Su stared at him. “Don’t lie to me.”

“I’m not.” Su Zhan said.



At night, after getting Grandma Su to bed, Su Zhan sat in front of his computer and started drafting the divorce agreement. He had done this sort of things countless times now, but this particular agreement got him in a bind.

There were no arguments nor disagreements between him and Qin Ya. It was just a formality at this point.

All of a sudden, Su Zhan let out a bitter laugh. Writing up your own divorce agreement just might be the most terrible feeling ever.

He sat there and told himself. Once this is done, Qin Ya will be able to find her own happiness, that’s all that matters.

However, no matter how he consoled himself, his mind drew a blank when he remembered who this agreement was for.

In the end, he gave up and just got one of the lawyers in the firm to write it up for him with the name of a client.

On the other hand, Grandma Su’s condition did not seem to turn for the better. It seemed like she needed more time, but she gets way too difficult for Aunt Ji to deal with sometimes. Therefore, Su Zhan decided to bring her along to the firm.

His client was already waiting for him.

“This is?” The woman asked when she saw Su Zhan coming in with an old lady in a wheelchair. She thought he had taken up another case.


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