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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 896

Zong Yanxi got off and surveyed the surroundings and finally landed her gaze on a building that looked like a house.

“Follow me,” Gu Xian said cautiously. He was not sure who he was dealing with since it was his first time here. Besides, he had to make sure nothing would happen to Zong Yanxi.

Zong Yanxi nodded and followed behind quietly as they made their way towards the house.

Gu Xian took the lead and pressed the doorbell tensely.

In about a few seconds, someone turned the doorknob from the inside and a man with a distinctive scar on his face appeared before them. He puffed his cigarette right into their face and asked, “Who you lookin’ for?”

“We’re here to see your boss,” Gu Xian replied accordingly.

The man scrutinized him from head to toe and shifted his gaze towards the woman behind Gu Xian. “Hmm. I see we have a chick with us.”

Gu Xian took a step to the side and moved right in front of Zong Yanxi, blocking the man’s view. “We’re here to see your boss,” he reiterated.

“D’ya know him? How d’ya find this place?” the man interrogated as he sucked his cigarette.

Gu Xian fixed his eyes on the man, thinking about how he should reply.

I can’t tell him I ran a check on them.

They’ll get suspicious. Things can turn ugly the moment they decide to put up a fight.

But before Gu Xian could come up with a good excuse, Zong Yanxi made her way forward and looked at the man in the eye. “We’re Ling Wei’s friends. She asked us to come over.”

She saw Ling Wei talking to this man the other day, so she figured this group of people ran illegal errands for their clients.

Since Ling Wei had sought their help not just once, but twice, Zong Yanxi was sure this man would remember her name.

As she expected, the man’s hand jerked and he threw off his cigarette. “Ling Wei asked you to come over?”

“Yes. We’re here for business,” Zong Yanxi replied.


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