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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 897

“You’ve worked for Ling Wei twice. If I remember correctly, the first time was a year ago, when you lost two of your men; and the second time was yesterday,” Zong Yanxi said.

She advertently left out the fact that she found out about all these because she overheard Ling Wei’s conversation—not because Ling Wei offered her that information herself.

Zong Yanxi wanted to create an impression that Ling Wei was not a reliable client in order to sway the man’s loyalty.

“Ling Wei offered you a million, but I’ll pay you double. What do you think?” Zong Yanxi asked confidently as she pulled out the chair right opposite the man.

Seeing her sitting down, Gu Xian moved forward and stood behind her like a sidekick. He knew they had to make it seem real to win that guy over.

Across the table, the man dug his gaze into the woman in front of him. He could tell she was still young—but she was bold.

“What’s the deal about?” the man asked after a moment of silence. His voice did not betray a single hint of enthusiasm, but Zong Yanxi knew he was piqued.

“It’s a simple task and you have nothing to lose. I just need you to say a few words,” she said.

The man squinted his eyes and crossed his arms before his chest. “Money is not the problem.”

“Then what is?” Zong Yanxi asked with a composed smile.

“It depends on whether I’m willing to do it,” the man replied. He could tell that Zong Yanxi was against Ling Wei.

Just from their brief conversation, the man sensed Zong Yanxi wanted him to believe that Ling Wei was an indiscreet tattletale.

But the man remained on the fence on who to trust. He had worked with Ling Wei twice and he knew a thing or two about her.

All she cared about was the man she loved. This meant Ling Wei was not a threat to him, and that was also why they had worked together twice.

But this woman in front of him was different. He knew nothing about her.

Zong Yanxi raised her brow subtly. She knew it would not be easy to convince this man without opening up about herself. Yet her dad had always told her that she should never reveal anything about herself when she was negotiating with people.

The best way was to leave things to people’s assumption.

In such a way, people could never tell how big of an enemy you were.

Zong Yanxi sat back in the chair and looked at the man quietly. “Do you know who I am?” she said, drumming her fingers against the table.

“Who are you?” the man asked as he chuckled.

“I bet you knew Ling Wei killed someone the first time you worked with her?” Zong Yanxi posed her question calmly as if she was an unrelated observer.

The man’s smile froze on his face and he looked at her, alarmed. He knew they could easily end up in jail for murder.

For the past year, the man had constantly looked over his shoulder because of what happened. But just as he thought everything would be okay, this woman mentioned the matter afresh.

“Who are you? Don’t tell me you’re the person who’s supposed to be dead.”

Zong Yanxi shrugged and questioned him instead, “Would you believe me if I said yes?”

“No. I’m sure she died. She was burned to ashes and I saw it with my own eyes,” the man said with a hint of uncertainty in his voice.

“Are you sure she died?” Zong Yanxi asked as she smiled indicatively.

To be honest, even she herself did not know who was the person who died in her stead. Neither did she know why two of the men went missing.

All she remembered was her conversation with Ling Wei. And since no one knew about that conversation, Zong Yanxi had the free rein to say whatever benefited her the most.

Now that she thought about what happened, there were a lot of things about the incident that she felt was inexplicable. Her death was so well covered up everyone thought she was dead.

And those who wanted her dead—except for Ling Wei—all vanished out of thin air.

These were all the things she could not wrap her head around. But regardless of how many unanswered questions she had, she still had to make use of that incident in order to strike a deal with this man.


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