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Submitting To My Billionaire Ex-Wife by Allison Mild ( Genevieve) novel Chapter 264

Chapter 264 

The moment Genevieve saw that message from an unfamiliar number, her heart sank

The sender knew she was there but was unaware of Louisdemise

Based on the message, Jeffrey was most likely still safe

Genevieve breathed a sigh of relief and immediately contacted the authorities in her home country, instructing them to keep Louisdeath under wraps so that she could have a chance to deal with those people

Jasper knocked on the door and entered. Ms. Lawrence, are you staying at the manor or the hotel?” 

Genevieve hesitated for a moment. Hotel” 

Staying at the manor would draw too much attention, making it difficult to gather information

By the way, help me make an appointment with Wayne Snyder,she said

Darrell informed her that he was acquainted with Wayne Snyder but was unsure whether he would be willing to 


After all, it had been more than a decade, and things had changed

Jasper paused. He had prepared adequately before meeting her

Among the four prestigious families in the area, the Simpson and Snyder families were Clusian, while the other two were foreign families

In terms of power, both sides were equally matched. Naturally, Clusian families had close relationships, while foreign families were xenophobic

Wayne conducted a lot of business, especially in commercial properties. The Snyder family dominated almost. every city’s streets, making them a thorn in foreign companiessides

As a result, investigating Wayne was easy

On the contrary, the Simpson family had maintained a low profile over the years. The more lowkey they were


Don’t Be Stupid, Use a Hydraulic Press Machine 

Chapter 264 

the better they were at hiding their true power

As a result, the majority of the information gathered was about the Snyder family

Jasper nodded and walked out

In the end, they couldn’t secure a meeting with Wayne as his schedule was booked until next year

Ms. Lawrence, Mr. Snyder is not making an excuse. I’ve heard about him. Every hour of his day is meticulously planned. However, he will be attending the graduation ceremony at your alma mater, Leyland University, tomorrow afternoon,Jasper reported

Genevieve was both shocked and puzzled. With such a busy schedule, why would he go to such an event?” 

Jasper pursed his lips. I heard that he built over a dozen libraries and buildings for the university. That’s why he was appointed as an honorary chancellor. He lacks education but enjoys the status of a cultural figure. He 

attends every university event.” 

Genevieve was nonplussed. After a pause, she said, That’s great. I’ll pay a visit to the university as well.” 

After getting married three years ago, she hadn’t returned to her alma mater. She was starting to miss it

Genevieve had to meet with Wayne no matter what because she couldn’t save Jeffrey on her own

After packing her belongings, she headed to Yowhayton

Genevieve had contacted her professor in advance, so she faced no obstacles upon arrival

She wore a simple casual dress and walked around the campus. With a jeweladorned, colorful cap perched on her head and her curly, long hair, she appeared radiant and youthful, attracting attention from passersby

With a smile, Genevieve quickened her pace as she imagined her professor waiting impatiently in the office

Just as she passed the fountain in the square, where many students were taking graduation photos, a foreign guy with a beaming smile approached her. Can you take a photo for us?” 

Genevieve paused for a moment, then smiled and replied, Of course.” 

She felt happier as she took the camera from him and followed along, drawn in by the lively atmosphere


Don’t Be Stupid, Use a Hydraulic Press Machine 

Dozens of students were dressed elegantly and smiling at the camera

As Genevieve pressed the shutter button, the foreign guy suddenly waved to someone behind her. Over here! You’re the last one!” 

Genevieve turned her head slightly and saw a handsome Clusian. He simply stood there, giving off a gentle aura

Without looking at Genevieve, he walked into the midst of the group

Two female students eagerly linked arms with him, smiling at the camera

They looked like classmates who had attended university together

Genevieve waved her hand. The guy in the middle, look at the camera and smile!” 

However, the Clusian remained unfazed, staring at the camera without smiling and pretending to be serious

Puzzled, Genevieve frowned

Compared to the other students, he seemed out of place

With a touch of perfectionism in her heart, Genevieve set down the camera and said to the man in the center, Come on smile! Show us your teeth!” 

The people beside him were slightly stunned and didn’t know how to react. Eventually, the man finally cracked


Although it was a smile, it seemed forced

Genevieve was pleased and took the photo


atisfied, Genevieve handed the camera back to the handsome guy and turned to leave

Wait, your phoneA clear and gentle voice came from behind. Genevieve looked back and saw the man who 

ad faked a smile earlier

enevieve frowned slightly, having heard that pickup line before

Chapter 264 

She immediately quickened her pace. Sorry, Ican’t give you my phone number!” 

She wanted to get away from him

After all, being too beautiful and charming could be quite troublesome

The man behind her paused slightly, squinted, and raised his voice a bit. You don’t want your phone anymore?” 

Genevieve halted and immediately reached for her bag

Her phone wasn’t in her bag. She remembered putting it in the pocket of her dress, but it was too small. Her phone was gone

Her expression changed slightly, and she turned back with a gentle smile, brushing her hair back. Thank you” 

She reached out to take the phone, her demeanor completely different from before

However, the man calmly placed her shiny phone into his own pocket and said, No need to thank me first. This doesn’t prove that the phone is yours.” 


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