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Submitting To My Billionaire Ex-Wife by Allison Mild ( Genevieve) novel Chapter 265

Chapter 265 

Genevieve subconsciously looked back and saw the man fall into the water

But on the other end of the phone, her professor said apologetically, I have to go on a business trip, Genie, I asked another professor to pick you up. His name is Lucas Simpson. You can ask him for help if you need anything.” 

Genevieve’s smile froze

She could no longer smile

If this call came a minute earlier, it wouldn’t be like this

Genevieve hung up the phone and hurriedly pushed past other students to look at the drenched professor standing up from the fountain pool

His figure was thin, smooth, and powerful without any flaws. Unfortunately, the outline revealed by his white shirt was a little tempting

Professor Simpson, are you okay?” 

The students gathered around and were very concerned

Lucas looked at Genevieve quietly and sighed

Genevieve forced a smile and held out her hand

Professor Simpson, can I help you up?” 

Genevieve thought, I hope it’s not too late to make up for it!” 

Lucas also reached out his hand

Genevieve seized the opportunity to pull him up

However, someone suddenly bumped into Genevieve before she could pull Lucas up. Genevieve leaned forward and subconsciously let go of her hand


Chapter 265 

Lucas fell back again

Although he didn’t fall down, he staggered a few steps. It was so embarrassing

The onlookers were all shocked

Even Lucas was surprised. He looked at Genevieve with complicated eyes

Genevieve’s face turned pale, and a hint of embarrassment flashed across her face. Then she looked at Lucas with a stiff smile

Professor Simpson, you won’t believe me if I said I didn’t do this on purpose, would you?” 

She didn’t expect that Lucas would be the person who was arranged by her professor

And she happened to push him into the water

Before they got to know each other, she completely offended him

She really didn’t know what to do

Lucas took a deep breath, walked to the side, and came out calmly with his long legs. He was wet all over and

little embarrassed, but he still apologized to others gently and politely

Then he walked in the opposite direction calmly

Genevieve thought for a while and then followed him humbly

Professor Simpson, I’m sorry. My professor told me a minute late and I didn’t know you were Professor 


Lucas went into the office and ignored Genevieve. There was a lounge inside. He went in to clean up, changed his clothes, and came out again

Genevieve made herself at home, sitting in Lucas’s chair and looking out the window

Her profile was very beautiful, with a high bridge of nose and a delicate chin. She was indescribably bright and 



Don’t Be Stupid. Use a Hydraulic Press Machine 

Chapter 265 

Lucas walked over and said faintly, Tell me. What can I do for you?” 

Genevieve immediately put on a smiling face and said vividly, I want to see Wayne. Can you find a chance to introduce him to me?” 

Lucas froze slightly and looked at her gently

It’s not difficult to see him. The hard part is to attract his attention, or he won’t even talk to you!” 

What Lucas said was very straightforward. Many people wanted to know Wayne. It would be surprising if Wayne could remember them

Genevieve hesitated for a few seconds and smiled

Don’t worry. As long as I can see him, I’ll take care of the rest!” 

Surprised, Lucas looked at her and nodded

He took her directly to the auditorium where the graduation ceremony was being held

Genevieve wanted to soften their stiff relationship

I thought you would refuse to help me because of the misunderstanding just now. I didn’t expect that you were such a broadminded person. You are so kind!” 

Lucasexpression was a little subtle. He wanted to laugh at her compliment, but he held it back.. 

He was not aggressive, but relaxed and leisurely. He didn’t put on airs

There were a lot of people in the auditorium, and some stood at the gate

It was Wayne who stood on the stage and turned the tassel for the graduates

Wayne had a rough face. He was tall, wearing a custommade suit. He was moved with tears when he turned the tassel for the graduates. He advised every student to study hard and make progress every day after leaving the 


Wayne was the most devoted person in this auditorium


Chapter 265 

Lucas raised his eyes


This is the person you are looking for. After it is over, he will go to the banquet to give a speech. You can only get close to him at the banquet.” 

Genevieve nodded speechlessly. Why did she feel that Wayne was unreliable

She thought about how to attract his attention later

Genevieve followed Lucas to the prepared banquet hall

There were already a lot of people here, and everyone was talking and laughing casually

Lucas brought two cocktails and handed one to Genevieve

I can only take you there later, but what you want to do is your own business.” 

Genevieve was surprised he could help her like this

I see, Professor Simpson. I really appreciate your help!” 

Don’t mention it. Didn’t you give me pocket money?” 

Lucas smiled gently, with a slight banter

Genevieve smiled awkwardly. The money was soaked by the fountain. That was a terrible scene to think of

After a short while, Wayne walked in, laughing and talking with the others

When students passed by to greet him, he would say, The more you learn, the better you get!” 

t was the same sentence, over and over again

Genevieve tutted in surprise. Lucas smiled, He only knows this idiom, which foreigners think is awesome.” 

Senevieve nodded knowingly

Lucas patted her arm and said, Let’s go!” 


Chapter 265 

Genevieve immediately followed, holding his right arm. The cocktail was still in her right hand. Something 


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