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Sweet Love Contract novel Chapter 25

When Wanda came out of the bathroom, she was wearing a Quincy's shirt. After thinking for a while, she found another overcoat to wrap herself up, which made her feel a little safe.

At this time, she heard a woman's voice downstairs. She quickly shrank back as if she was a thief. Oh my God! Was she Quincy's girlfriend? If people saw her dressing like this, they might misunderstand her.

But her own clothes had been washed just now. Now It seemed that she could only hide here temporarily.

When Quincy came up, he saw the uniform hanging by the window. There had never been any clothes that was still dripping on the balcony. He had been looking at this uniform for many years, but it was the first time that he had felt it so beautiful, especially when it was on Wanda.

Dina turned around and glanced at Quincy in front of her, but she didn't notice what he was looking at. She pushed him and asked, "what are you thinking about? Where is the person I asked you for? "

After Quincy pointed at the door, Dina opened the door and saw Wanda covering her own eyes. Dina had always been careless, so she didn't know what Wanda was doing with her eyes covered. She said in confusion, "do you think I can't see you with your eyes covered? It seems that you have recovered. "

Wanda was stunned. She released her hand and looked at Dina. She screamed and hid behind Quincy.

Dina smiled awkwardly, "well, in fact, I'm here to apologize to you today. I'm really sorry. That day, my stupid men didn't see that you were wearing the uniform of No.3 Mansion. They also wanted to help me vent my anger. You don't know, that cheap man Well, forget it. Let me see how you are doing. Do you need to go to hospital again? "

"I am okay. I am okay." Wanda poked her head out and took a look at Dina. When Quincy phone rang, he gave a hint and went to the study next door. When Dina helped Wanda to sit down, she found that her hair was wet.

"How could you take a shower?" Dina looked at Wanda in surprise, "don't you know that your leg is injured and can't be stained with water? Don't forget to ask me for help next time. That's what I should do."

Wanda's mouth twitched, and she smiled awkwardly, "no, thanks. I've wrapped this injured foot before, and it didn't get wet."

"Miss Wanda, I swear to you that I was really careless that day," Dina explained as soon as she saw the uneasiness on Wanda's face.

"I know. I'm really fine. I didn't blame you."

With her feet crossed on the sofa, Dina looked at her and said, "it was really a coincidence that night. You appeared at that place at that time. Are you following someone?"

"That night in the casino, I saw a few people sneaking around, so I followed them out to have a look. But I didn't expect that there was a fighting in groups. I wanted to leave at that time, but I didn't leave and was found by your people. But since it's all a misunderstanding, let bygones be bygones. Don't take it to heart. By the way, you Do you know Mr. Qin?"

"Me and him? Of course I know him. We fought from childhood to adulthood. When we were children, he was often not strong enough, and he was always beaten down by me. But now..." Dina covered her mouth and said, "forget it. Let's not talk about these trifles. But you, there are so many people in the casino. Do you really think they take the money for nothing? They recognized my men, so they didn't interfere."


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