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Sweet Love Contract novel Chapter 30

What Wanda didn't expect was that Aaron took her to an amusement park. There was an amusement park downstairs, but there was a cafe upstairs, which was only a layer of glass separated from the downstairs. She could clearly see the children downstairs playing happily.

"Don't stay in that dark place all day long. Look at these children more. Your will also feel much better."

"In fact, I also thought the same way as you did at the beginning. I always feel that if I really work in a place like No.3 Mansion, I may not be able to hold my head up all my life. But for us workers, we only care about how to earn more money, and what kind of boss or working place is none of our business." Wanda said in a low voice. "Besides, it's safe to work there and won't be bullied by anyone from outside. "

"Are you often bullied?" Aaron heard another meaning in Wanda's words.

Wanda realized that she had said too much. She didn't know why she could be relaxed in front of Aaron. At least, since she knew that her uncle had owed an astronomical debt, she had never been relaxed.

She smiled and said, "This is the society. As long as you don't have money, no one will respect you. Money represents your identity and status. I'm sorry. I have to go to the bathroom. "

Wanda slowly walked towards the bathroom.

As soon as she opened the door of the bathroom, two women came out. Wanda moved a little to the side. She didn't expect that the two women didn't leave for a long time and said in surprise, "Oh, I was wondering why you look so familiar. It turns out to be Wanda? Oh, you work here? What a coincidence! "

Raising her head, Wanda found that she really couldn't talk about others in the daytime. Just now, she thought of the faces of these two people, but she didn't expect to meet them here so soon.

They were her former colleagues in the shopping mall. At that time, she really wanted to work there for a long time. She heard from an old man in the shopping mall that if she could perform well and become a manager, she could also get fifty thousand or sixty thousand a month. At that time, fifty thousand or sixty thousand was the annual income of her and her uncle's family.

However, she was not so ambitious. She just wanted to climb up step by step. Later, she finally got the chance to recruit someone in the company's office, and it was the assistant of the manager. It was much easier to work, and the salary was indeed much higher than before.

Because she had been the best salesperson for half a year in a row, she was recommended and could compete with others for this opportunity. At that time, her competitors were the two women in front her now.

They didn't have working experience, nor did they work in the mall.

Normally, they didn't have a chance at all. All her colleagues said that she would succeed this time.

However, when the list was out, she was deleted. Then she knew that one of the two was the manager's niece, and the other had slept with the manager for a night. The two of them both sneaked into the office.

At that time, she also couldn't swallow her anger and wanted to argue with the big boss, but she was afraid of losing her job, so she gave up.

"Wow, that's really good. This place is very high-end. Only the rich can come here. I didn't expect you to work here."

"No, look at what she is wearing. No.3 Mansion." Julia Liu covered her mouth with her hand and smiled, "Do you know that people outside all say that the No.3 Mansion is full of high-class prostitutes, and even the appearance fee is much higher than other places. Wanda, you are much smarter now. You know how to make money by taking advantage of your natural conditions. "


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