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Sweet Love Contract novel Chapter 33

Staring at his injured arm, Wanda felt that the color of his clothes looked a little strange. She reached out her hand and touched it, and her fingers were all stained with blood.

"Are you okay?" Wanda said anxiously, "I'll take you to the hospital, right now."

"Don't be so nervous. I'm really fine." Then, Quincy turned around, opened the wardrobe behind him and took out a shirt. He changed it directly in front of Wanda. When Wanda was in a daze, she saw that the gauze on Quincy's arm was dyed red.

After changing into a new black shirt, Quincy turned to look at Wanda. Her eyes had turned red somehow.

"Why are you here?" She didn't have time to be shy and asked in a choked voice.

After buttoning up the last button, he raised his eyebrows and smiled at Wanda, "if I don't come, they will know that I'm seriously injured, and they can take the opportunity to deal with me?"

"So you did it on purpose just now to let them know that you are fine? In other words, Brent was also sent by John? "

Wanda kept guessing, 'no, it's not that simple.' she raised her head and continued, "You asked my master to take me away on purpose before, because you didn't want me to be a burden to you. Besides, my master suddenly left just now. If there was nothing important, she wouldn't have left in such a hurry. You shouldn't have come here at this time."

"It seems that my aunt have accepted the stupidest disciple. Her reputation will be ruined by you. You didn't even notice that someone put a wallet into your bag. " Turning on the computer on the desk, Quincy said in a low voice, "Aunt did have something important to deal with, so I came here. I was shocked when I saw this scene here just now. I didn't expect that there were many masters around a rough man like John."

Wanda looked at the video on the screen, in which she was playing cards with Brent. She had watched it several times, but she didn't see any flaws.

Quincy slowed down and stopped at a place, motioning for Wanda to look carefully.

It turned out that when they were playing, Brent answered a phone call. He turned around and answered it. At this time, he turned around and accidentally bumped into Wanda.

It occurred to Wanda that Brent had apologized to her politely at that time.

But she still didn't see that Mr. Brent had put his wallet into her bag. With a helpless sigh, Quincy pointed at the bag on Wanda's waist and said, "have you seen it clearly? Do you think that your bag is a little bigger than before? In fact, this was the same as changing cards. Only people with superb gambling skills could see that. If he is a little shallow, it's impossible that my people can't find it. "

So his playing skills should be very excellent?


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