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Sweet Love Contract novel Chapter 6

The Quincy's eyes fell on Wanda's body, burning her like fire. Wanda didn't dare to look up. At this time, he said in a charming voice above her head, "did you do anything wrong? Why are you so scared? "

"No, No. The business tonight is so good that I have sent too much wine. Now my hands are a little sore. I'm sorry." Wanda replied. After she put the wine on the table, she turned around and left.

"Did I let you go?" The Quincy's voice was a little lazy, but it was cold as if it was from the hell. Wanda stood still trembling and didn't dare to look back. "Come and sit down."

"Sorry, I can't drink."

"Come here." Quincy's voice was still the same, but there was a trace of impatience in it. She endured the coldness as sharp as a blade. Then Wanda turned around and walked to the farthest place from him and sat down. But this time, she didn't get into trouble.

With an evil smile on his lips, he asked indifferently, "how much is the wine here in total?"

"Five thousand and two hundred." Just now, she didn't even notice what kind of wine she was holding. Until now, when Quincy asked, Wanda seemed to answer it subconsciously. She had been working hard these days. Whenever she was free, she would recite the wine price list as much as possible.

"Open it."

"Yes, sir." Wanda hurried to open the bottle.

Quincy frowned, "you've worked here for so long. Don't you even know the basic knowledge? Do you want me to pour wine by myself? "

Wanda didn't say anything, and then poured the wine for him in silence.

At this time, Wanda noticed that there were many wounds on the back of Quincy's hand, and the blood hadn't completely solidified yet.

All of a sudden, Quincy used a strong force and pulled Wanda into his arms and sat down. The next second, her lips were pressed down directly. It took her a while to react. When she was struggling, she was fed the wine in his mouth.

"Plop!" Wanda was choked by the pungent wine and pushed Quincy away. She coughed and burst into tears and snot at the same time. She hid in a corner and stared at Quincy with fear.

"Didn't you just say that you couldn't drink wine? Now you can!" Then Quincy turned to look at her and said, "sometimes, being too pure and lofty will make people feel that you are hypocritical. In this kind of place, put away your cheap loftiness."

His slender fingers were playing with the lighter in his hand, and his eyes were staring at her straightly, as if she was standing in front of him wearing nothing. He was right, but she only had this cheap purity now.

Wanda coughed a few more times, and her throat was very painful because of the alcohol. She stubbornly wiped her tears with her sleeve and said lightly, "if you don't have any other orders, I'll go downstairs to work."

After saying that, she opened the door and ran out. She hid in the bathroom, biting the back of her hand and crying bitterly. This place was not for people to stay at all. Run! When this word suddenly flashed through her mind, Wanda even shocked herself. Although she had only been here for a few days, she had already known something about Quincy. There was nowhere for her to escape from South Sea City.


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